
Whats is to be done to make the world liveable?

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Whats is to be done to make the world liveable?




  1. i think the way things are right now, if the government gave a exemption on everyone's taxes, with proof (receipts, ect) for recycling and make more things reducible, then maybe more people would be geared to saving the planet!  however idealistic recycling is, it is extremely sad that you have to appeal to the people's wallets in order to attain results, although if it works, then it works for the good of everyone!♥

  2. There's lots of things. Probably not enough though but one thing that comes to mind is environmental regeneration projects, many of which are in major cities. Not sure where you live but you seem very environmentally concience so I can highly recommend researching weather there's volunteer projecs near you and joining. I'm with Friends of Merri creek in Melbourne Australia and on weekends we help restore local native plant and animal communities as well as cultural heritage along the creek. A lot of kids get involved also, which can only be good for the planet as kids are the future!

  3. The world seems to be perfectly "livable" to me.  We have global transportation, plenty of energy, advanced medicine, modern agriculture, and an amazing infrastructure for communicating.  What is so difficult for greens to understand?

  4. A few well placed bombs positioned to take out the "ghettos" around the world would have a tremendous effect! These are some of the most dangerous areas in the world to be in no matter what race you are, and those who live there tend to have a lot of cars that generate pollution. Because rent is generally cheap in these areas, they attract those who are nothing but a drain on society, and that's all they ever wanted to be. Looking at these neighborhoods, you will quickly see that there are a lot of people in these areas who do not care about things like garbage cluttering up their streets, and tend to constantly litter. Sadly, there are people in these neighborhoods that are productive members of society, but sometimes a price must be paid.

    The net effect would be:

    Less pollution given off by vehicles used by these people.

    Less taxes would need be taken because less people would be on welfare.

    The reduction in population thus reduction in food required which would reduce famine.

    Less work for the sewage treatment facilities of those areas.

    Less power would need be generated.

    Less births (in these areas families tend to have more kids than in others)

    It will become safer for the surrounding area because the violent ones from that area will be gone.

    Why choose these areas instead of some other area? Simply because these are the most densely populated areas of the world, and would require smaller bombs to do the work,  with less environmental impact. Choosing these areas would have a longer term effect because these are the areas that grow the fastest and it would leave the slower growing areas to survive.

  5. Reduce, reuse, and recycle.

    One of the best things that we can do, is to get off from the fossil fuel mentality.

    And start working towards expanding our supply and use of renewable energy.

  6. there's quite a number to be done. visit for a number of things you could do.


  7. If all the "earth-firsters" and environmentalists and zero populationists really cared about the earth they'd commit suicide. If just those folks were all dead (and their bodies used as organic fertilizer) think how much more livable the earth would be!

  8. you should concern others

  9. Its difficult to give a one solution for this,

    1. Control Population.

    2. Reduce vehicle population.

    3. Express compassion and consideration to others.

    Above points  will improve situation.



  10. cut the world population in half.

  11. stopping global warming and helping each other.

  12. scrap all taxes, put behind bars corrupt politicians!

  13. Each of us needs to take personal responsibility for out part in polluting and wasting. We need to make changes in out lifes that reduces waste, toxins and carbon emissions. We also need to get involved with our governments and let them know we don't want a world that will make us sick. Find out what is being voted on and let your representative know you want them to do the right thing. Use our money to improve our world, buy organic, buy non toxic, and buy renewable.

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