
Whats is up up with all the haters in the wrestlign section?

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What is up with all the JEff Hardy Haters in the Wrestling section? What Did he Do to deserve this?

WQ:Who is gonna win the RAW Scramble Match? SD! Scramble match?




  1. absolutly love jeff hardy hes really cool apart frm his strange hair but den agen if he didnt have it it wudnt b him lol :D

    raw: cm punk

    SD: jeff hardy

    EDIT: stone luigi he didn't meen to kill his dog it was an accident his house had an electrical fault.

  2. I know! I love Hardy!!!!!



  3. People will always hate someone, Unfortunatly some people in the WS hate Jeff, It's a bit pathetic to hate and say c**p about someone they don't even know but it's the way it is.

    WQ - Raw - I can see CM Punk retaining just to make him look like a better champion but then again I can see Batista winning the title considering the roll he has been put on lately.

    SD! - I reckon HHH will walk out still champ but I really hope Jeff walks out champ, He's on the No Mercy poster so hopefully it's a sign

  4. He's overrated... Don't get me wrong... I like him. But he's just getting old. Kinda like John Cena.

    WQ: Batista & HHH.

  5. He burned his dog to death. I mean I'm not a part of the PETA moral police or anything, but that crosses one of the very few lines of animal morality I have.

  6. Raw: John Cena

    Smackdown: Jeff Hardy

  7. I know man, im not the biggest fan of Jeff, just because I lean more toward the heels. But people are just ignorant.

    WQ: RAW:...I think Batista will win or CM punk will retain...

    SD: Hopefully Jeff Hardy, but HHH will probably retain....

  8. Idk Jeff has had some Bad things happen lately,


    SD!:Triple H

  9. i like jeff hardy hes a good wrestler for raw i want kane to win and for smackdown either jeff hardy or triple h retains

  10. Ignore them, there just low life loners with no friends so they have to seek attention on the internet pi**ing off Jeff Hardy Fans

    WE all know he rocks so dont give them saddos what they want

    WQ - What i want to happen

    RAW - Kane

    SD! Jeff Hardy

    What i think the wwe will make happen

    Raw - Cm punk (make him look a good champion even though he isnt even popular.)

    Smackdown - HHH Or Mvp  

  11. i don't hate him


    RAW: "superman" john cena like always (sarcasm when i said superman)

    SD: Jeff hardy

  12. i am a jeff fan so i can't answer that.

    kane and mvp.

  13. I don't hate Jeff Hardy.

    In my opinion he is just overrated.


    SD:THE Brian Kendrick by the help of Ezekiel

  14. Just put the trolls to rest player they're just losers who got no life report them if needed.

    Jeff Hardy is cool in my book

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