
Whats is worth????number plate and car

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i have a very old orange morris minor in my garage, i brought it as a project car and came with the license plate RUY 616.

the car does not run, but i wanted to know how much theyd be worth together.i got the plate valued 2 years ago at 2grand.




  1. about £200 if you are lucky, the car is just scrap

  2. the number is not worth a lot now since the dvla have started selling them and before you can transfer it to another car the doner car has to be taxed and tested and capable of beining driven to the licence center for inspection to verify the car details

  3. I would say that there's no way on earth that the plate is worth any more than £200 - £500, but as above, it's completely worthless at the moment as it can't be transferred until the car is roadworthy (it actually has to be taxed, therefore it must also be MOT'd. The best you could do is sell them 'as is'. If you got £400 for the lot, I would say you're doing very well.

  4. Depends what state the Moggy Minor is in. Is it a total basket case or is it restoreable? Try contacting the Morris Minor owners club (find it on Google) and if poss take a few pictures of it to let them see what sort of nick it's in. These cars are very collectable and many old ones get fixed up and become someone's cherished possession again.

    Even if it's not worth fixing, it might well be useful to someone for spare parts.

    The plate might be worth about £1000-ish, maybe more, I don't know, but the problem is you'd need the car MOT'd to transfer it.

    Whatever you do, PLEASE don't scrap it, somebody somewhere will make good use of it.

  5. Seen as how the number is clearly, not on "retention" the only way to be able to transfer it would be to finish the car and have it MOT'd, or sell the lot to someone who will do it.  

  6. It depends when it was last used. If it's not on the DVLA computer the registration could have been re-issued as a cherished mark and if you want to use the car you would have to get a 'new' registration for it.

    Check with DVLA first.

  7. Not sure if the car being sat in the garage would cause any issues. Is it currently SORN?

    What you might be able to do is tranfer the plate onto retention and then sell it. If the car isn't taxed or SORN you may have lost your entitlement to it

    I would speak to the DVLA about the plate.

    The car is probably not worth much, maybe try and sell it on ebay as a project. The plate could also be an incentive for someone to buy it.

    Regarding the value of the plate I would do a serach on other RUY plates, ones in a similar number range would probably give a good indication of its value. As it is a yearless plate I would think it is worth at least £1000, provided you can find a buyer.

    Additonal info:

    Have a look at this link:

    I'd say you may be okay to trasnfer the reg with the vehicle being taxed or tested if it has been SORN correctly.

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