
Whats islamic ruling for the person who defend those who follow false prophet?

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I mean what islam says about those people who forbid to call them KAFIR?




  1. Let me guess, 'off with their heads', right? What a surprise.

  2. You mean like Mohammed?

  3. Those who defend the Kafirs like Qadianis r also a part of them.

  4. Don't know, but wouldn't it be better to be kind with them. You never know may be your kind words and wisdom could guide that person to Islam.

    “I never talked with someone but sincerely wished that Allah guard him, protect him from sin and misdeed, and guide him; and I never debated with someone but sincerely wished that we would come upon truth, regardless of whether he or I should be the one to think of it first.” - Imam al-Shafi`i

  5. Well I don't believe Rashid Khalifa is a Messenger of Allah but if one of his followers calls himself a Muslim, then it is between that person and Allah.

    Allah forbade the Prophet (sa) from calling anyone kafir, and most certainly I am not even a speck of dust compared to the Prophet (sa).

    So Islamically, the ruling is to leave the matter to Allah as there is no compulsion in religion (2:257)


    @Otherside - Allah makes it very clear that whatever someone believes, Allah will remind them, and we should not worry about it.

    Luqman Chapter 31 : Verse 24

    And as for him who disbelieves, let not his disbelief grieve thee. Unto US is their return and We shall tell them that which they did. Surely, Allah knows full well what is in the b*****s.

    How clearly Allah says that "WE shall tell them" and that "Allah knows what is in the b*****s."  I.e. No man has the right to read someones heart.

    Allah further says numerous times in the Qur'an that Muhammad (sa) is NOT a keeper over anyone.  That on him lies the responsibility of plain delivery of the message.

    Al-Ghashiyah Chapter 88 : Verse 23

    Thou art not appointed a keeper over them.

    Al-Nisa' Chapter 4 : Verse 81

    Whoso obeys the Messenger obeys Allah indeed; and whoso turns away, then We have not sent thee to be a keeper over them.

    Al-Nahl Chapter 16 : Verse 83

    But if they turn away, then thou art responsible only for the plain delivery of the Message.

    Al-Nur Chapter 24 : Verse 55

    Say, 'Obey Allah, and obey the Messenger.' But if you turn away, he is responsible for what he is charged with and you are responsible for what you are charged with. And if you obey him, you will be rightly guided. And the Messenger is only responsible for the plain delivery of the Message.

    How clear is this last ayat I cited?  "he is responsible for what he is charged with, and you are responsible for what you are charged with."

    Therefore, Allah did not allow Muhammad (sa) to call anyone a Kafir, He only told Muhammad (sa) to deliver the message, and then if they are wrong, then ALLAH would remind them of what they used to do.  I hope that makes sense brother.


    @Otherside - Jazakallah for admitting I'm right.  And as I have posted many times before, I will post again the very words of Hazrat Ahmad (as).

    'From the beginning, I have been of the view that no one becomes kafir or dajjal by rejecting my claim. Such a one would certainly be in error and astray from the right path. I do not call him faithless but he who rejects the truth that God Almighty has disclosed to me would be in error and astray from the straight path. I do not designate anyone who believes in the Kalimah as a kafir, unless by rejecting me and calling me a kafir, he himself becomes a kafir. In this matter, my opponents have always taken the lead. They called me kafir and prepared edicts against me. I did not take the lead in preparing edicts against them. They would be prepared to confess that if I am a Muslim in the estimation of God Almighty, then by calling me kafir they themselves become kafirs according to the edict of the Holy Prophet [peace and blessings of Allah be on him]. Thus, I do not call them kafir; they themselves fall within the purview of the edict of the Holy Prophet [peace and blessings of Allah be on him]'. [Tiryaq-ul-Qulub, Ruhani Khaza'in, Vol. 15, pp. 432-433]


    @Otherside - Then IF I am not right brother, please do show me where I am wrong to say that Allah did not tell or allow Muhammad (sa) to call anyone a kafir.  I believe I have made my point very clear to you, and you have not refuted it, so thus, I am right.  Jazakallah brother, Allah bless you.


    @Otherside - Whatever makes you feel better brother.  I know in my heart what is truth and I have very clearly presented that you.  You have not given me an answer but I know not what is in your heart, so I cannot judge you.  Allah be our judge, Ameen.


    @Otherside - I did answer you brother.  Look at what I wrote two edits up.  You haven't responded to me at all.  Allah guide you.

    love for all, hatred for none

  6. Do what Abu Bakr(Ra) did,

    Fight them and kill them unless they repent,

    it is as simple as that.........

  7. idiots

    they don't know how dangerous and serious those things are



    Imam shafii was not talking about this kind of people, he was talking about Muslims debating fiqh.

  8. How far does a person have to stretch before he can be labelled a kafir? What if Salman Rushdie says that he is a Muslim? Shall we swallow that?

    What if Mirza Qadyani calls himself a Muslim after abusing the Prophet of Allah, Jesus (A.S), and calling Him a drunkard and a prostitute? As well as abusing Allah? Is he a Muslim?

    What does somebody have to do to be declared a kafir, even though he claims to be a Muslim? Or does it not matter at all what he does, as long as he claims to be a Muslim?


  9. they are also kafir.  

  10. it hard to understand what your saying theres only 1 islam

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