
Whats it called when someone always corrects what you say?

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Whats it called when someone always corrects what you say?




  1. A Grammar n**i.

    Basically it's someone who has nothing better to do than correct the English language to a "T" because they lives are devoid of any sort of meaning. Or in layman's terms, an a$$whole

  2. Rude, arrogant, pain in the @$$, know it all  

  3. Maybe you should quit being wrong all the time.

  4. annoying

  5. annoying as h*ll!  

  6. I call them Grammar n***s, like Miss Kay.  Whenever I encounter one, I try to speak as grammatically incorrect as I can just to get on their nerves because they annoy the everloving c**p out of me.

  7. Well I guess it depends on what  you have said and what they are correcting. My husband says 'ain't' or 'it don't get no better' drives me crazy...double negatives!!

    so if I am obnoxious...I will wear that badge.

    To me it shows what lack of knowledge you have to speak that way.

    It is lazy. My opinion...however, you are judged by the way you act and speak.  

  8. Someone corrects what you say, not, Always corrects what you say.  You dont need the "always" in that sentence.

  9. Smartass, Know-it-all.

  10. obnoxious

  11. Annoying.It is a person who has little going on and believes grammar is the most important thing because its all they know.I find that sad so many do it with speaking and write like hen scratching.

  12. It's called Mommy.

  13. it really depends, if they're being helpful then a friend.  If they're being obnoxious then a pain in the ***.

  14. It's called correcting what you say.

    I do it all the time.  No one likes it, but why should I care?  I'm only helping them be as correct as I am, because I know I am always right.

    <=== drip... drip... drip... with sarcasm

    Let me put it this way... I do it, but I keep it to myself... mostly.  Unless I'm talking back to the tv... then I let it go full force.

    Have a polite day.

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