
Whats it liek to smoke pot ?

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is it scary to be high of marijuana ? is it fun? explain what its like?




  1. its friggin awesome mann. when i do it i feel like im in a whole other world.  

  2. its just plain stupid that's what its like

  3. well i havnt done it, but some of my friends have...and they said they hardly felt a difference

    not scary, just dumb, i don't even c what the big deal is, i mean i can get the same feeling being with someone i like, and not f****** myself up

  4. It is illegal to possess.

    Makes you feel profound, when in reality it is killing your brain cells off.

    People smoke for the wrong reasons.

  5. luke, get over it and write your own music without getting high. I would respect u more as an artist if it came from you and not stinky crushed up leaves. but if you must know, go to british columbia (if you arent already there) and ask someone there. i heard they have the world's best pot. also if you ever do magic shrooms, go see cirque du soleil afterwards....i've heard it's amazing........wait what am i saying?  HUGS NOT DRUGS MAN!

    oh and not that it really matters.....but i would never date a guy that smokes anything or does drugs.....i don't know how other girls feel but It does smell really bad!

  6. the way i can best describe it is this..

    no worries.

    everything bad seems less bad.

    everything that is good is better.

    music is amazing.

    food tastes way better.

    everything is way funnier than it normally would be.

    changed perception of time-(it seems like the 3 hours ur high go by in 10 minutes)


    cotton mouth-(your mouth is hella dry, and ur thirsty)

    munchies-(i dont get munchies bad, but some people helps if u eat before smoking)

  7. no its not scary at all. its actually kinda fun. you feel really happy and everything is hilarious.  

  8. its a waste of money and brain cells.  

  9. it is fun... it has same bad effecks as tabbaco yet itm akes you feel good yet tabacco dosnt..  

  10. Well it is a daze and it would be "liek" smarter to not start.

  11. some people like it and some don't.

    you need to try it yourself to find out.

    if you are nervous about doing it, do it somewhere you are comfortable and with someone you are comfortable with.

    I didn't like it at first, but after a few times its fun.  

  12. It is absolutely amazing. I really like smoking pot when writing a paper or listening to music so I think it actually could help you write some good music. But definitely try's not for everyone but it is nothing to be afraid of. You need to get a friend to smoke you up asap.  

  13. don't try it, its nothing special believe me  

  14. it doesn't make you smarter if thats what you think...i mean think about it..would all rocket scientist go to place like MIT or Harvard..if all they had to do was smoke a joint??!.NO...its not scary..i tried it a couple of times because the 1st time was like...this is it?! this is all the hoop-la  about it?! i tried again...i felt like strange for abotu 15 minutes..almost like a quick buzz if you ever took a sip of alcohol ( Im not saying to do that either) but its a little like that made me feel like things were going in in slow motion...maybe people think they are more creative simply because they are more relaxed...i guess if you smoke the whol thing you laugh at stuff and then want to eat because for some reason it makes you feel hungry..i think the people that think its so great don't have very many goal or think that greatly of themselves if thats what they think is so wonderful....?!and i think that people that think it's awesome may be people who have an addictive personality and will then say "well i liked that feeling of 15 minutes of being buzzed, now let me try something else" and then they get hooked on more dangerous stuff and then still try to say its i mean if your curious no one can stop you but be careful..its not all so great

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