
Whats it like being in a musical for your high school?

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i might try out for one next year, and if you have been in one, i want to know EVERYTHING, beginning to end, of what it was like. did you enjoy it? i want to know what musical and what part you were as well.




  1. In my opinion, your high school's musical is something you DO NOT want to miss out on.

    I did stage crew for "Noises Off" (a three act), was in the chorus of "Beauty and the Beast" (as a villager and an enchanted statue), and 2 years ago, I did stage crew for "A Christmas Carol", which is what originally got me hooked on Theatre.

    I may not be good enough for a lead role, but once you're in a musical with a bunch of school friends, you'll never want to do anything else ever again. When it's all over, most people at my school experience "musical withdrawals". The cast, crew, (& maybe pit band too!) will become like your second family. You might even forget that you'll be performing for an audience. You might even forget that those rehearsals you've been going to every night were practice for anything at all--you'll think you're going to a party with all your best friends!

    Bottom line is: being a part of a school musical is a magical experience!

  2. Our school did 'Bugsy Malone' this summer, and I got lead girl, Blousey.

    It was, simply, the most fun I've ever had in my whole life!

    You meet so many new people and so many different sides of people, which remain your friends forever. The teachers involved are always brilliant, and you always get to see a different side of them too.

    The shows were brilliant, we did them in our local theatre so you got to take time off school to the threatre and muck around! Much more interesting than school!

    The costumes and make up is super fun as is singing lessons and just being on stage.

    Honestly, you will not regret it. Not only is it brilliant experience that looks good on a college application, or CV or in a portfolio, but you meet so many people and have the best time.

    Good luck xx

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