
Whats it like to be in the amazon?

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I'm thinking of going on a jungel trek in the amazon. Obviousley there will be loads of bugs, bats, snakes, spiders etc, so how easy is it to deal with the very wild environment ? Is it enough just to take plenty of bug repelant, moskito net and a good medical kit or is there anything else that I need to consider?




  1. dont forget to get vaccinations before you go like for malaria and yellow fever.

  2. It is amazing. There is vegetation everywhere. However, everything is big in the Amazon jungle. Trees are big, plants are big and, yes, bugs and animals are also big. If that bothers you, try to go to what we in Peru call "high jungle" (were the amazon meets the Andes). Places like Tarapoto. The bug situation is less extreme than say in Iquitos, and at night the temperature drops a bit so it doesn't feel like you're in an oven all day. Do get a yellow fever vaccine and only drink bottled water.

  3. Its great! I get to swing in a tree and make bizarre parrot-like noises all day!

  4. hopefully you arent stupid enough to go by yourself, and that you are on a tour or with a guide.

    basically it is hot and humid

    how remote are you going?  most of the accessible parts of the rainforest are like the indiginous peoples' back gardens  - not undiscovered..

    plenty mossies - take repellent, avon skin so soft isnt so harsh and is effective.  you will sweat so prob dont want deet in your eyes, or on your camera or binoculars for that matter.....

    your guide will spot most 'nasties', animals and whatever way before you - no need to worry about those.  most things will stay  well away from you, and you'll make enough noise to give then plenty of time to move on

    careful you dont annoy spider monkeys - they throw their faeces at you in defence

    you need a mossie net, but as you'll prob be sleeping in a hammock - you need a hammock mossie net - buy a fine mesh one at your start town/city...manaus??

    basic frist aid - bandaids/plasters, antiseptic powder or tea tree oil (you dont eant to keep cuts moist!!!), head ache tablets, antihistimine....

    you need a hat or bandanna to cover your head, boots or sturdy shoes, long sleeves and long pants/trousers, swim wear, camera, binocs...the usual things

    dont pack too set of wet and one of dry clothes will be enough!

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