
Whats it like to get more mature?

by  |  earlier

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does it just happen without you realizing it or is it when you make realizations about **** cause thats what happens to me, i think about how relationships and the way my friends are and learn little life lessons haha




  1. are you high? haha.

    yea thats how it works for me too, lifes a bunch of little lessons.

  2. It depends.  Some people realize it themselves because, like you, you start thinking about things and making the right choice or the best choice for you.  Some realize it because others tell them how mature they are and point out how they are able to make the right choices.  And some never become mature!

  3. Experience makes you more mature and mistakes make you more mature as long as you learn from them. We all will forever make mistakes.. that is human. As long as we don't make \the same mistakes again... when we get older, we don't get more intelligent, we only get more experienced.. life lessons we learn yes.. the good and the bad together help us to gain experience and sometimes even the ''bad'' is good, because it helps us in the end to come out as stronger people if we learn to deal with a heartache or any kind of failure... not to give up and to set ourselves new goals is what we need to do then. It happens to all of us.. . that life has it's ups and downs. if everything only went smoothly, we would take everything for granted, if we have to fight for it, it's so much more valuable to us..  x*x

  4. Some days I am and others- decidedly not. I suppose it's when my baby asks if he can go see that R rated movie and I have to pause because saying "yes" is DEFINITELY not going to happen, or when I decide not to eat that king sized snickers because it's just not good for me. Ya dig?

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