
Whats it like to have a german shepherd?

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My dad wants to get one but we need a few tips about them. We use to have one a while ago but we didn't train it right.

So how could we train it right this time? Also what are these to becareful about?

thanks guys!




  1. I have one thats a mix and he's very good. The thing is, he went to Petsmart training when he was little and it works! Now he's old and is a very good dog. You have to train him with treats and praise, but then you must know that you have to be disipline. Good luck, and german shepherd are great dogs!

  2. They are very easy to train. Since they are so loyal, you can teach them anything. When you want to train them to do something, all you need to do is stay consistent. If you don't, you send mixed signals about what you want him to do. The worst thing you can do is scold them for not doing what you want. This makes them not want to learn. Make training fun! Like give them rewards every time they do something you like. As long as you keep a positive attitude, give them praise, and be consistent, training should be a breeze. Don't forget, German Shepard's are a very loyal/family oriented breed. I would not recommend them being left outside and having them stay outside. They are their best when they are with a family. The other good thing about GSD's is that you don't need to train them to be guard dogs. They just come ready and willing to protect you. Another thing, when playing with them, try to stay away from making them jump. Since they are a larger breed, a lot of jumping on or off things can make your GSD more prone to hip displaysa (sp). I hope you have fun! GSD's, in my opinion, are the best dogs.

    My boy is a plush shepard. He is a mix of long-haired GSD and regular coat GSD. He is the cutest. My girl is a regular coat. The thing about my shepards I like most is every morning they are always ecstatic to see you. This really shows how much they love their family.

    Hope I helped!!

    Good luck


  3. german shepherd are very smart, they are great dogs, but what i would suggest is sending your german to obedience training.

  4. Well, You have to be ready to give it a lot of excersise. This dog needs plenty of excersise. They also shed very much and very obiedent dogs. They are great companions.

  5. Our GSD is now 8mo.  We did petsmart training and use it everyday.  We also walk him 2x a day.  40min in the morning and 30min in the evening plus play time in between.  They are a very busy dogs they are not a couch poatato dog.  Also they can be very mouthy.  Our dog drives us nuts on a regular basis.  Also BUY FROM A REPUTABLE BREEDER!  We bought ours from a backyard breeder without any kind of guarantee to his health and we have now spent well over in vet bills what we could have spent on a pup with a gurantee.  Our guy has slight hip dysplasia in one hip and severe elbow dysplasia in both elbows and something wrong neurologically that causes him to walk funny but we ran out of money diagnosising him so we have not been able to do any thing to correct these problems.  He is pain free for how long though we dont know.

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