
Whats it like to work Security forces in the air force?

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Whats it like to work Security forces in the air force?




  1. My son is an air traffic controller in Iraq.  He monitors the skies, brings down pilots and patrols the air traffic from radar, satellite and tower.  From his point, it is very stressful.  He has written to us saying that the sky is busy constantly.  He cant say a lot due to security.

  2. It's a mix. You're a cop (first and for most), you do the job of a security guard, and you do the work of an infantry unit. When I was in I did perimeter security, entry control points, patrols in police vehicles, laid c-wire, set up machine gun pits, did combat patrols, searched people and vehicles, worked dispatch, handed out vehicle passes, and did some classified stuff as well. There's always a chance to join a SWAT team at a certain bases, could do K-9, and the Ravens which are highly trained security personal that fly with the air craft into bare base set ups. There a lot to do, it just depends on where you go and what you want.

  3. Watch the movie Beyond Treason it will tell you all you need to know...It's free on google video just search for it...

  4. Like being a cross between a cop and a security guard.


  5. Like a mall security guard, only the uniform looks cooler.

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