
Whats it like where you live?

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if your from Ireland, where abouts are you from and what is it like where you live?

what is your area famous for also?

Armagh where I come from is known as the Bandit country. The are has beautiful views and I love living here. What about you?





  1. Im from Waterford...the main thing its famous for is Waterford crystal !!

    I love it here! It is a gorgeous city

  2. great cities of new york

  3. Armagh is lovely, I've been there.

    I live in rural County Limerick, and it's nice. I'm in a little valley surrounded by hills, and there are families in the houses around me. People are very friendly here, and like to chat. Locally there's quite a lot of traditional music.

  4. I'm living in Armagh well S. Armagh

    Famous for: Apples lol

  5. I live in a small village called Killala in Co Mayo. It is beside the sea... Some lovely scenic areas around Mayo ...Lakes and mountains... Killala is famous for 1798 rebellion when the French army landed here to help the Irish.... I am actually a decendant of one of the soldiers who stayed in Ireland

  6. I live in Derry Co. Londonderry =] .. It's probably famous for the troubles that started in the 60's ... Great place to live lots to do && see, it's always a busy city which I love && the people are friendly ... What more could you ask for =]

  7. Athlone

    in Westmeath

    only I live just outside the town

    in Coosan

    its lovely

    my house is 7 fields away from the lake

    and if it's a full moon

    you can go to the lake and look at the moon and stars

    and listen to Celtic music

    which is very nice

    but you must walk through a graveyard

    which is nicer still

    i do like my surroundings


    it's famous for

    just being nice i suppose

    but only famous around Coosan


    and Ireland's first eco-guesthouse

    it made the Lonely Plant book

    and Nationwide

    and i can see it from my house

    only a quick walk down the road

    or a quicker walk through the graveyard


  8. I have family in South Armagh and the countryside is breathtaking.

    I live in an area called Pimlico in The Liberties in the south Inner City of Dublin, although we dont have beautiful scenery! The area is steeped in History, We have Guinness's beside us and Saint Patricks and Christchurch Cathederals, and Saint Catherines Church where Robert Emmet was beheaded.

    The area has a real vibe in it and its one of the last surviving true Dublin communities.

  9. I live near swords in Dublin, and it is a shithole


  10. I'm American, living in Austin, Texas, but I'm familiar with Ireland; I've been there twice. Thank you for asking the question of the people of Ireland, North and South though--the replies are pretty fascinating!

    I agree with the poster from London/Derry though--Stroketown does have, by all accounts, a thriving artistic community, and it has some of the most dramatic history on the island.

    I always felt the most at home in Kildare though...a sleepy little farm town that is now going through great change due to the housing costs in Dublin and of course the population influx. Though if I ever do emigrate (and I've considered it many times over the years), I'd probably choose Cork or Galway. I'm a musician (I play Irish harp), so I'd need to stay where there's a profitable music scene.

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