
Whats it like working for the french?

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Whats it like working for the french?




  1. French what, .....Resistence?

  2. 1) That's a stupid question, since it implies that all French people are alike, and 2) This question obviously provided a forum for the morons who engage in France-bashing, based on caricatures and stereotypes. I'm wondering how many of you have ventured more than 50 miles from your hometowns, let alone traveled abroad.

  3. well since their all american -haters,should be a real their toast and fries though..

  4. The French hate Americans.  I imagine it would be like living in h**l to work for someone that absolutely hated my country of origin.

  5. I'm french, I work in France for an American company....and I'm not dead....great !!! French do not hate all American, do not think about s*x every day (but every minutes), do not eat frog every day, and if you want an advice if you work for a french company, do not work too much !!

  6. Mais c'est quoi ses sortes de stéréotypes que vous nous foutez à la geule!?

    Ok just to clear things up, every single person in my family, they come from la Bretagne and Paris and French people do not dislike Americans, they just think that Bush is a c**t, otherwise they don't care what you think, our breaths don't smell like stinky cheese, we don't think about s*x all the time, we don't always eat "escargots" and "cuisses de grenouilles", we shave!! After all these stereotypes about french people that you guys throw around then don't be suprised if someone is *slightly* annoyed.

    As for working there, it'll be hard if you don't speak the language but you'll learn it fast don't worry. Just be sure not to dissapoint your boss, but don't overwork yourself either. It's like working here pretty much, no worries.

  7. Is that only me or it seems like some people have "the Sun" as their bible, and the IQ of a ....what is that stupid? no really don't know.

    For your question, it's like anywhere, except that laws protect employees much more, you employer pays for your compulsory NHS (health system), you're entitled 5 weeks paid holidays per year, average week is 35 to 39 worked hours, no work on sundays (with a few exceptions), taxes are paid later (not like in the UK), wages come monthly, there is a minimum wage (about 8euro per hour?). Compulsory break for every 4 hours worked, 1 hour lunch break (most of the time), sometimes, you can get some bonuses from the company (ie 13th month: extra money...)

    Be careful, as you won't know the law, some employers could try to take advantage of you. So if something looks fishy to you, ask your friends.

  8. ????????????????????????????????????????...

  9. confusing if you don't speak the language

  10. Wow... what a lot of unfounded stereotypes ! I've been living in France for 18 years and have NEVER heard a French person say they dislike Americans... or Brits for that matter.

    Working for the French is like working for anybody... you need a certain capacity to adapt to their way of doing things. It depends what job you will be doing but, in most jobs, you will find that they have a slightly different way of doing things to the way you're used to. That is part of the fun of working abroad ! Bonne chance !

  11. Don't join their army. They couldn't win a war on their own.

    Make sure your female bosses shave their pits, so you don't have to smell them all day.

  12. A good way to learn French!

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