
Whats it like working in reforestation?

by Guest57952  |  earlier

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I am applying to work in reforestation in western canada this summer and I was wondering if anyone had worked in the field before and could give me more information on what to expect. What things should i and should i not bring? what are living conditions like? I know its physically demanding work so is their any kind of physical training that might make it easier when I start. ANy other stufff u can think of would be appreciated as well




  1. Don't know... but my guess would be digging holes and planting trees....

  2. Here is a step by step description of the process.

    Chemical site preparation of the area to kill competing species before planting

    Mechanical site preparation to remove competing vegetation and logging debris before planting

    Prescribed burning of the site to remove logging debris, improve access by planting crews to the site, improve seedling survival, and control natural regeneration

    Bedding of wet-natured sites


    Disking or sub-soiling sites with excessive logging damage to soil quality

    Planting genetically improved seedlings matched to the site location

    Applying herbaceous weed control after planting to release seedlings from unwanted competition

    I've met people who work summer jobs doing reforestation.  Sometimes they sprayed herbicide, sometime they used weed whackers and sometimes they planted seedlings.  They worked in the rain as well as when the weather was good.  Some stayed in company "dorms" others were put up in local motels.

    You'll need at least one pair of sturdy boots, two or three pairs of work heavy trousers and set of rain gear would also be a good idea.

    Personal Protection Equipment (PPE) like safety glasses and gloves are provided by your employer.

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