
Whats it mean when a guy stares at girl alot and sits next to her but never talks to her????????????????

by  |  earlier

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???????????/ PLEASE HELP




  1. that he likes her, or wants to tease her a bit and see how she reacts

  2. He thinks your hot, but hes shy. xD

  3. He is waiting to blossom..

  4. it means that he is trying to send u signals that he is intrested but he doesn't want to make himself look like an idiot in front of u so he doesnt know what to say so he will just stay silent so strike up a convo with him to make him feel less shy

  5. he just wants a piece of *** but is to afraid to say it.

    cause that's all men want these days.

  6. too shy or too proud to be the one that breaks the ice

  7. sorry hun,you cant explain guys. theyre illogical and make no sense.

  8. It means the guy got issues. Bad. Run!

  9. he probalby likes her but is still a little too shy to ask.

  10. It means he has a crush. If the girl likes the boy, the girl should start the talking.


  11. stalker..

  12. typically hes crushing on u but hes to shy to ask u out or talk to u

  13. that he likes you duhh

    he's just shyy

  14. infatuation, tongue tied, boy, human, fun

  15. Haha, he's in love and painfully shy.  Expect lots of hang up phone calls next.

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