
Whats med school like?

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My cousin is going to med school and I heard its really hard. I might want to follow her footsteps after I graduate high School. So Is it hard? And My ultimate goal is to get into the University Of PA, is it like imposable for me to get in if I go to a state collage? thanks




  1. I'm currently in my second year of medical school. it is the hardest thing i have ever done. its not so much that the material is difficult to comprehend. its just that there is so much info that u will have to learn and such a short time to learn it. and u can't forget it either. (unlike HS or college, when the semester was over u could forget the stuff)

    But a lot of ppl go through medical school, and most ppl make it out okay. there a lot of rewards being a doctor. but it is a lifetime commitment (med school, residency, fellowship, then re-licensing exams every 10 yrs).

    if u have the determination and passion, in addition to being a hard worker, u can do it.

    and don't worry about going to a state school. that stuff doesn't really matter in the long run. its ur GPA and exam scores that carry the most weight.

  2. its not hard.... its HELLISH!

    I left after 2 years and now majoring in business.
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