
Whats mega pixel in a digital camara?

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and is 8 or 10 better and why?




  1. yeah thats right (what he said - the second person from the top) pixels are in every electronic device with a screen. for example 1 MP will look c**p and 'pixely' (really bad quality) where as 10 MP will look almost like you are looking at the real thing rather than a picture.

  2. 5, 6, 7 megapixels are just fine for enlarging shots 8X10. If you do a lot of cropping (blowing up a portion of a photo within a photo ) you'll need 8 or 10 megapixels. Almost all people do not need a 10 megapixel camera. It does't make your camera better because you have 10 or 12 MP what really matters is features. Features is what you should be looking at. Does it have an image stabilizer, can I control the shutter/aperture along with auto, is it more than 3X optical zoom. So don't get caught up in the megapixel hype.

  3. Mega pixel is the number of dots that make up a picture. If you have a high number you can make an undistorted clear poster the size of a building or more importantly, take a picture of 1000 people and from that picture make a clear, good size picture of anyone in the picture.

    I find 3 mega pixel works very well in most cases.  Can usually take a picture of a small group and from that make an individual picture that is just about perfect.  I also use 3x optical zoom, but never use digital zoom because making  pictures larger in the computer works better.

    High numbers of mega pixels require more memory, more in camera processing time, and more camera expense.  Lower numbers are fine for somethings like e-mail because the transmission time is  reduced.  Some programs that send pictures will automatically reduce the pixel count for transmission.

    Many cameras today do not have optical view finders.  They do provide large LCD displays, but it is almost impossible to see these in bright sun.  Also, many higher priced cameras pack in features that sound great, but you will probably never use.

    The source link will help you clean camera and battery electrical  contacts.  Digital Cameras require lots of power.  If the contacts are not really good, it can cause lots of problems.


  5. 10 megapixels are better than eight. The higher the megapixel the better quality the picture on your camera. Pixels are to put it simply "little pieces of colour"! that fill up the picture, and mega pixels are simply one thousand pixels, so the higher the mega pixels the more "pieces of colour" fill up the screen making the picture clearer and smoother. Hope that helped! This will give you a more detailed explanation

  6. Pixels are the little "picture elements" that make up a whole picture. To find how much a picture is in megapixels, multiply the length and width and divide by 1 000 000. The notion is that more megapixels mean better image quality, but it is often the other way around. Why? Because manufactures jam too much of their useless pixels into an already "noisy" sensor. More pixels on a small sensor means that each sensor has little space between each other, which significantly translates to the image being degraded at higher isos.  

  7. megapixels are what the picture is made of. 1 MP (megapixel) is 1 million pixels, 2MP is 2 million pixels and so on. The higher the MegaPixel, the bigger you can enlarge your photo, and the more detailed and sharp it will be (depending on the make of the camera).

    So, answering your question, 10 Mega Pixels are better if you want to enlarge your photos, with more detail in the final result, but then it all comes down to what make your camera is. If it's a good quality brand like Canon, the shots should come out good at 8MP or 10MP.  

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