
Whats money going to look like in the future?

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I am writing a story set in the year 9999 nearly 10 000 and I was wondering if anyone could give me some ideas of how money will probably look like in the future E.g. Like in Doctor Who they had credits and it was on a stick.




  1. There will probably be no more coins, all bills. Since inflation is setting in the picture, there might be a 100,000 or even a 1,000,000 dollar bill and instead of paper for the production of money, it will be made from plastic sheets. Say good-bye to soggy bills!

  2. Still plastic or maybe holographic (that would be cool).

  3. I don't think we'll have paper or coin money - I think we'll work and have our monthly salary somehow 'loaded' into us.  When we buy something we pay either by having our eyes scanned or by pressing our palm on a reader.  

  4. 8000 years is a bit of a leap...

    I actually heard of something that there is some research going into called "3D printing" which basically involved a machine that you can just feed an item's (like a car) design into and it builds up from a molecular level.

    Presuming that we continue at our currents rates, which although is doubt-full, I'd assume that we would be a bit like the Eloi (I think they are called) from the book "The Time Machine"

    What I'm getting at is that with advances in nuclear fusion and nano scale robotics, it could get to the point where you don't have to pay for anything. Simply think of it and the computer fills in the gaps in design where it can and then supplies it to you, costing nothing in the process because it is entirely self-sufficient.

    In more closer terms, I know Nokia are funding research, along with others, into nanite objects. For example, a sort of wrist strap which is a phone, computer, credit card, passport etc

  5. Depends upon how optomistic you are about the human condition.

    It will either be an uploaded balance that is uploaded continuously to the central computer via your nural implants/nanites, or it will be a wooden club and a chicken.  Take your pick.


  6. Who can say what it'll look like or if it will even exist that far into the future?

    The current trend is towards phasing out physical (hard) cash altogether. Governments don't like lack of control - and hard cash can change hands without their knowledge. They can't easily track it, and they can't tax it or make sure it's not an underhand payment for something illegal. It costs huge amounts of money to produce and distribute, and it becomes a serious target for theft - putting the carriers' lives at risk - when accumulated in large quantities for storage or distribution.

    My guess is that all humans will, in the not too distant future, be fitted with an id chip at birth. Our movements will be tracked using these chips, and all of our financial and health data will be carried on them too. We will be required to share our data with various government agencies who may start out using it carefully and wisely with our majority consent. Eventually a totalitarian government will start to abuse their power, allowing and even instigating function creep, and there will be a revolution to bring it down. A more benevolent and free society will form which attempts to eliminate the totalitarianism of the past. One major change may be the elimination of money, of all types, as a driving force in society.

  7. OK.

    Are any of us from the future?  

  8. there will be no actually money, everything will be done with cards or somethinglik that you just put in a machin and it takes some of your money

  9. I think money will go into cards.  Its just more convenient and a bit safer.  

  10. I don't think we'll have money - I think everything will be cards or done online. More and more people are just paying by card and online shopping/banking is becoming more popular

  11. I would guess that money would be smaller, since the prices of items are raising, and people would need to carry more money. I think you should create your own form of money, made from a certain material that wasn't discovered until 5000 C.E or something. Interesting question!  

  12. In my opinion there will be no money in the future,and when you work you will get credits and the more you work the more you get, just like we do today.

  13. Don´t know, don´t see much of these days, it seems to disappear at an alarming rate!! Perhaps it´s already becoming invisible so maybe it will just not exist any more and we won´t have to worry about it.

    Bring back bartering I say, then you can do something for someone whist they do something for you, better don´t you think?

  14. I think they'll use the bills as cards (not a credit card) you know card card. hehehe but no one really knows what it is!

  15. If we have a society, Terra, plus the moon, Mars, etc., even other star systems by then...

    If we do, I suspect that the further one is away from Earth, the more individual responsibility one will have for his and his family's welfare.  Wells vision of the Eloi was prescient, I think, on Earth.  Off-Earth, the human genetic will be very successful.

    That said, no currency on Earth, only people living under a computer controlled system that provides sustenance, activity and meaning to lives at the cost of individual freedom and limited reproduction.  There will be reproductive engineering such that carrying a child in utero will be unnecessary, though still possible.   Genetic flaws will be corrected or aborted.

    Off earth, some form of precious metal or atomic fuel will be the currency.  At the rim of human activity, people will have to actually transport their funds on their person.  Some drastic theft protection device will make thievery impossible without killing the thief.  Probably something tied to the genetic makeup of the owner that will protect the goods.

    Great art and literature will exist, and a person may own such by having it miniaturized and implanted in his abdomen.  A special scanner will reproduce one copy at a time for viewing at the owner's request.

    Religion will be marginalized.  People will mostly meditate to find inner peace, and will take 'supplements' to assist their task of the moment -- sleep, extreme activity, mental acuity and ability, language translation, etc.

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