
Whats more annoying: People who contribute false information out of ignorance? Or out of maliciousness?

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People contribute false information on the net all the time. I guess its to be expected. It falls on us to verify that information via more than one source or testing it ourselves.

But do you find it annoying when people have mal-intent, deliberately trying to mislead or confuse or instill stupidity?

Or is it more annoying when people arrogantly contribute information they are so sure they know so well, so self-confident that they want to teach people what they think they know without even conceiving the possibility that they dont know...?




  1. Hey, who hasn't thought at one time or another that they had a great idea or the right answer and wanted to share it - only to find out later that - OOPS, I goofed and made a public fool out of myself. People laugh and get to put you down and look down their noses at you. Lovely drama. Hopefully you haven't led some poor soul in the wrong direction. And hopefully you learned to check your sources before you stick your big smelly foot in your mouth.

    However, tossing out false information for amusement, thrill or illegal gain, is, in my opinion, despicable and possibly indicative of some degree of sociopathy.

    If I have to choose, I'll take arrogance over maliciousness.

  2. my opinion is arrogance is lesser of the two evils.

    you can kindly try pointing or emailing their errors. i think arrogant people have better chance of correction. to be human is to err.

  3. I don't know about everyone on here, but, I try to answer all questions honestly.

  4. It's a tie.

  5. I dont know...

  6. Out of ignorance because I HATE how full of ignorance this world is.

    I can cope with malicious individuals better, I believe; additionally, I think it's humorous in some situations.

  7. Ignorance.

    Lying out of spite may be annoying, but nothing beats a jumped-up idiot

  8. YOU are right. Misery out of ignorance of other people is excusable. But only if you know he is ignorant logically.. But with malicious intent, geez! That is painfull. A stab in the back just like those E mails from the UK. They are having fun everytime you answer those E mails unsuspecting  the writer's bad intent.

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