
Whats more fun, kitboarding or windsurfing?

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I'm thinking about trying out one or the other this summer but I don't know which one is more fun to learn and do. I live in the bay area of California and there is an awesome spot for either sports near the college I'm going to in the fall.




  1. I've windsurfed, and i think kiteboarding looks a lot more fun.

  2. kitboarding

  3. kiteboarding by far

    you get to fly 30 ft or more during a hurricane :)

    windsurfing is probably safer but you dont get to feel the rush when you suddenly fly out the water.

  4. Both are very cool.  You can go fast, get air and race with either technology.

    Kite boarding has pretty much knocked windsurfing out of the box in terms of popularity with younger practitioners in the areas where I have been over the last couple of years due, I assume, to a bigger adrenalin rush.

    The down side is that one or two people get killed doing it every year in the town where I lived in South Texas.  When you are 30 feet up (and you don't need a hurricane to do it) you ain't got a lot of control and if there is an immovable object, like a piling or a dock, in the way... it's pretty much over!  Kite boarding isn't considered an extreme sport for nothing.

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