
Whats more important in the NBA wins and titles or stats?

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Whats more important in the NBA wins and titles or stats?




  1. Ultimately, it is wins and titles that are the most important, not statistics.  Granted there have been some great players who never won a title, but players are defined by how much they won and how many championships they ended up getting.

  2. Titles all the way!!

  3. As long as a guy has a trophy, I think he's more important in his own stats so he can get paid.

  4. Titles because the stats will fall in with the title.. Besides everyone will see you as a champion not just a playmaker....

  5. TITLES in the long run.  Look at Garnett Allen and Pierce.  They gave up numbers to get the TITLE.

  6. Titles of course

    Good Luck

  7. the title idiot if you have good stats and dont win wats the point.

    why do everybody play for the title then

  8. wins and titles are only important if you have good stats. if you average .02 points per game, then no one cares if the team your on is great because your not a big part of the team anyway.

  9. titles.

  10. More important for the team? Or the fans? Or the individual

    players? It all depends.....

  11. titles you get a ring and you could make your team the best

  12. Just ask Kevin Garnet who left being #1 man for a chance at a title.  Or MJ who took a pay cut to get better players for him to make a title run.  Or kobe who demanded a trade to be on a better team.  Every great NBA player will tell you they want a title more than anything else.

  13. Obviously the stats! That's why LeChoke Shame is a goddess to them! HAHAHAHAHA.

    Think Happy Thoughts!

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