
Whats more important to you? your country or the human race as a whole?

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Whats more important to you? your country or the human race as a whole?




  1. the human race!!!

  2. I live in India and I'm shocked by the way most people here still follow the moth-eaten ideal of patriotism. There can be no doubt that we may "act local" but should always "think global". So my vote goes for the human race.

  3. the human race, countries do awful things to people

  4. The human race.

    I've had three countries in my life...people will always matter more than where I live.

  5. The human race

  6. My country, just like my family would come first over strangers,

    i mean if you can't take care of your own kids how the h**l you

    gona take care of someon elses? . . .

    Why do you think we're in the mess we're in? such betrayal

    cause we take the food out of our own starving kids mouths to

    feed kids in other countries whos goverments have more than

    enough resources to take care of there own but keep it for

    themselves, and even worse could care less about america . . .

    My country any day is first just like my family before strangers,

    how arrogant to think we have the right to tell the world what

    to do when they see us neglecting our own . . .

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