
Whats more improtant to you?

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The way wresters perform in the ring or how they act outside it?

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  1. Both. If a wrestler is great and awesome in the ring but really cocky and selfish outside of the ring then I would think in a different perception of them while watching them in the ring. For example Batista before I knew how he acted outside of the ring I thought he was ok and kind of good and looked like a nice person outside of the ring. But after I learned what he did to a little boy I just changed the way I thought about him. =]

  2. in the ring because that is where we see them everyweek and in a way even the meanest wrestler in real life is a saint because he is fighting over 300 days a year just for our enjoyment and entertainment

  3. Their personal life is none of anyones bussiness so in the ring.

  4. Wrestling in the ring, I simply don't care how long Cena takes a shower like all the little girls and kids.

  5. How they act outside it, when I found out batista cheated on his wife I automaticaly didn't like him, now heels that are nice outside I have respect for them.

  6. just the wrestling I watch wrestling 4 that and that alone I don't care what they do or if they take drugs and ect it's what they can do in the ring that impresses me

  7. I feel both are pretty important honestly.  They are supposed to be role models for the kids who watch them, but also tthey should be able to do their job well.  They should be able to perform and entertain to a high level.  So I suppose that would be at least slightly more important than who they are outside.  Technically, it's really not our business what they do in their private lives unless they make it our business or do something illegal that is public knowledge.  They should try to be good people, but people do make mistakes.  It's laso important what they do outside because it reflects on the company they represent.  Many wrestlers have put black eyes on the business through their actions.  Again, though. people make mistakes and deserve chances to make things better and right.

  8. it is how they act outside the ring , because if they did not act right they would end up busted and suspended or even fired for drugs , so if they were just good in the ring and took drugs out side of the ring there would be no wwe   *** starred***

  9. How they perform in the ring. I could care less how they act out of the ring i'm not around them so it doesn't matter to me. I rather see an a**hole that can wrestle in the ring then a nice person that sucks

  10. how they act outside.

    it doesnt matter if they can fight.

    the true them is all that matters.

    the ones who are as*holes makes me not even want to watch them when they wrestle and yeah i do watch wrestling.  

  11. Both have an effect on what I think of a wrestler. The way someone performs is more important though. That's what your supposed pay attention to. People outside of the ring is their private life. But I still think both have a role in what you think of someone  

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