
Whats more imprtant in a relationship paission/crazy love.... or comfort / stability??

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what do yall think is more important in an adult rewlationship were you plan on having children one day...... i have been married for 2 years but serperated thru one waiting on a divorce well we have wild crazy love.... but the guy ive been seeing since january during my seperation is a very good stable.. just a great catch but ive been missing my husband like crazy now.... so witch is more important..... this could be the biggest mistake of my life???




  1. all, i have it all.  Why settle for less

  2. If you like the guy you're seeing now, then the reasonable thing would be to go with the guy who's stable if you're looking for marriage and kids.

    Wild crazy, volatile love only ends in wild, crazy divorce if you're unlucky.

    However, if you miss the guy "like crazy", then you might not have your whole heart into your guy right now. My advice would be to tell the guy you're seeing to hold on for a minute, go back to the other guy and end it so that you won't have any regrets or "what if's" haunting you, and then settle down. If this new guy is good, you'll end up finding yourself very attached to him later on.

    If you want reason, then go with comfort and stability. Still, the bottom line is to follow your heart. If abandoning your husband breaks your heart, then you should probably ride it out. If you get back with him and you guys end up fighting too much, you'll naturally break up.

  3. stability is important.why do,nt u think of giving him one more chance.what god has united,why should we try to to him accept your faults,then he too will feel sorry for his mistakes,start a new leaf  in your life.god bless your family life

  4. taking your marriage vows seriously is the most important thing in a relationship; s*x is important but it has it's ebbs and flows  you are making numerous mistakes right now......

  5. I think comfort and stability is the route to go......only you know the answer as to what guy you want.  

  6. for me its passion...... i can have comfort and stability on my own.

  7. If I was the stable guy I certaintly would not be taking you back after all that you have done and then being pregnant with this other guys baby? What makes you think he would even be willing to take you back after you have cheated and then are having another man's baby? If he is smart he will stay far away from you and you will have to sleep in the bed you have now made for yourself.

    I hope you get stuck with the wild and crazy and maybe you will learn some kind of lesson out of all of this.

    Very very sad situation.  

  8. Stability is more important, but easier to maintain if there's some passion.

    Dating someone new and getting pregnant before your divorce is final may not be the most stable thing, nor is starting a new relationship while missing your husband.  It sounds like a pretty crazy time; I hope it all sorts out.

  9. Stability and security are wayyy more important that wild passionate love/s*x.

    s*x is all well and good but it doesnt hold a relationship together when push comes to shove. Love is about friendship and trust. Its sticking by eachother when you;re rock bottom and knowing that you can lean on that person no matter what. Its feeling like no matter what happens, your partner will be there for you and that will never change.

    Thats what its all about.

  10. Comfort and stability are more important. Wild and crazy love is fun and nice, but when the craziness dies down what do you have left? What do want (think of the future) is it better to have great love and then nothing later when that is gone (wore out), or to know that the person will always be around no matter how the love.

  11. Of course the new guy seems to be the better choice, he is new, the brand new car smell is still lingering in the air, wait about another year & you may find out that he is not as wonderful as you once thought? I'm not saying that he is bad, or wrong, I'm just saying that all people have issues, & don't want you to make a huge mistake that you may latter regret. I'f you really want to do the right thing it may be hard for you but it will be the best thing that you have ever done for yourself & it has been proven to be very effective in peoples personal relationships when going thru stuff like your going thru, & it works- so heres the answer to your question, be alone for a while, drop both of these relationships & give yourself some alone time, you are very confused & the only way to iron out this mess is to reflect on your own wants & needs, ya need to find out who you are & where you want to go in life. Trust me this is the best thing for you, many women dont do this as they fear losing the guy that their with, but by staying with them they end up losing themselves, & live in constant confusion. I really hope that you do the right thing?  

  12. I think you should work on your marriage.  YOu married him for a reason and 2 yrs is too soon to call it quits

  13. Life is a need for balance - not too far one way or another.

    Or to put it another way- there are "costs" to everything.  If you buy a $20,000 minivan you get good basic transportation that only costs $40 for an oil change and costs $1000 a year to insure.  If you buy a $130,000 sports car you get a blazing fast car, that everyone looks at you in that costs $400 for an oil change, and costs $5000 a year to insure. You can drive all day in the minivan or have incredible fun and fast race track days once in a while with the sports car.  But the minivan gets 25 miles per gallon and the sports car gets 10 so you will have to pay more to drive the sports car in the end...

    It is the same with us guys...

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