
Whats my body shape + Do I need to gain weight?

by  |  earlier

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So I hate my body, I'm 16 and my body still looks like a childs.

Excuse the outfit; it was for a pimps and hoes fancy dress party




  1. I think you look fine and you don't have a childs body  

  2. woahh. i think ur body looks good the way it is! i dont think u need to gain weight. maybe tone up, do some sports or something to get u toned muscles. :)

  3. you think it's bad to look "childish"? you mean you feel bad about being tight and slim?

    actually, you have the perfect body shape: slim but gently curves. you should be so lucky

  4. your perfect--trust me I am ultra honest and I would find a nice way of telling you if you needed poundage or sports--you need nothing right now except some confidence :)

  5. rofl "i hate my body, excuse the outfit it was a pimps and hoes party"

    looks good

  6. If you gain more weight, it would look bad, u seem to be in top shape, keep it up :)

    Plz answer mine:;...

  7. i think u r perfect body why u worry about  

  8. no you're perfect!!;...

  9. You have a great body, you shouldn't worry about a thing.

  10. I think you look fine. Don't listen to that complete moron Elsa C.

    She's posted about 30 questions of "am i pretty?" and "how do i look??". Well Elsa, you aren't. You're ugly and you can hardly critisice someone else in your position! Go away. No one wants you here.

    But anyway, just eat healthily and exercise and you'll be fine. Live your life! lol bubi xx

  11. It looks vase/hour glass. Like mine, be proud you have a good figure.

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