
Whats my chances at being #1 or 2??

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Im a freshman and on my schools golf team and i soot around 55 on nine holes and i need to shoot around par to be in the 1 or 2 spot on my team when im a senior i have 3 more years to go but is it possable to go from a 55 to par in that time??




  1. work hard on your short game and putting.  this is where strokes are made up or lost.  if you focus on those factors of your game you will lower your scores in no time.

  2. Doubtful - cutting 20 shots off a nine hole score is a lot.  But you are at an age where big improvements can happen especially if you can practice and play a lot.

  3. dude. no offence. but im in 8th grade my handicap is 2. and i usually hit around 76 at oakmont. but yeah you can get the 1 or 2 spot. Try to get a teacher so that he can go out with you and show you what you are doing wrong and need to improve on.

  4. As a high school golf coach, I can tell you that the only issue is how hard you're willing to work.

  5. yes you can

  6. To go along with the other answers, it is very possible.  As a freshman I shot high 90s, and this past fall, I shot 72-73 to win my state championship.  You will have to work hard every day on golf, and you will have to practice your short game a lot, but you can do it.  I would recommend practicing 20% on irons, 20% on driver and woods, 20% on putting, and 40% on chipping/pitching/sand shots, etc.  For putting, a great drill that I do that has made me at WORST have 25 putts a round, is setting up 5 tees, one one foot away from the hole, the second one two feet away from the hold, the third tee three feet away from the hole, etc and I have to make 5 balls from each tee and even if I miss one I have to start over.  It takes awhile when you first do it, but then you become amazing at it. Also if possible, try to run 3-4 days a week year around so that on the 13th hole when others are becoming tired you will still have all your energy to excel.

  7. You Can DO IT!

  8. Alright man,

    The easiest way to cut down strokes is working on the short game for sure. Chipping and putting are crucial. I'm a sophomore in high school for Edison High in California. Last year i was a freshman on varsity and i averaged about 4 over par for nine holes. I was the worst player on a team that won the California state championship. I worked on my short game all summer. Now i'm shooting around one over par average. If you can avoid 3 putting and start making more putts from around 5-10 feet. I assure you will lose at least 10 strokes from your score. The higher your score is, the easier it is to improve. So yeah, short game should take up 80% of your practice time. The other 20% is on the drive range working on  hitting the ball straight.

  9. der i am a soph on my golf team and my average is a 51.We practice EVERYDAY and i get better evry day. Remember GOLF IS PRACTICE.SO if u slack off during summer and expect to do better then u ar mistaken.Next year aim for hig 40's everytime then go for the 30's.

  10. I can only relay my own experiences.

    I failed to make my golf team freshman year after shooting 58 & 60 in tryouts.  That really aggravated me, so I worked REALLY hard during the summer and went from averaging just over 100 to the mid-80s.  About 50% of my time was playing, 40% chipping/putting and 10% hitting balls.

    I played one match for the JV team sophomore year, shot 41, and was moved up to #6 on Varsity.  Jr and Sr years I played either #1 or #2, with a 9 hole match score average around 39, including a 35.  Senior year I won a 2 man tournament with the other strong player on our team.

    I am now a club pro with a handicap index of +3.  I am in the top 40 club pros in my PGA section, and shot under par in 3 tournaments last year.

    Good luck!!!

  11. Slim and None and Slim is out of town, i play maybe now 5 times a month and i shoot 94 or 92 it's still up there but i feel good breaking that sob 100 mark >>>good luck in all serious ness i think your very good you have a excellent workout effort, that will pay off keep it up and you'll be fine>>>take care

  12. I know something that would help u a lot.  Ask Tiger Woods to help you,and I will also ask him to help you since u r busy wwith all your classes and making your grades.  I'm sure he'd be glad to help you--and would evenb flattered by you asking for his help.  That's 1 way to get better in golf real quick--except practice, practice, practice,etc.  Good luck,

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