
Whats my chances of getting type 2 ?

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My dad has type 2 and my biggest fear is that I will get it. I am 30lbs overweight and my mom keeps saying if I gain anymore weight I will get diabetes. I bought a blood sugar tester so I could keep track just to make sure. but I want to know what my chances of getting are?




  1. That's up to YOU! You already KNOW that You have one "Strike" against You- because it runs in your Family... -You can't do anything about THAT... But You CAN- lose the weight; You CAN exercise more & eat healthier foods; and You CAN see a Doctor once a year- to monitor your Sugar & Cholesterol levels... If You DON'T do these things- then You probably WILL get Type 2 Diabetes- & you'll have no one to blame but yourself... So take CONTROL of your Health- before IT takes Control of Your LIFE... !  :0

  2. agree with your mom, I think you are still young. You will get diabetes, but we dont know when, depent on you. most people with risk factor diabetes like genetik and history family plus obesity wiil gett diabetes in up 30 years age. improtant to prevent, do exercise daily, good diet.... you can improve many information about diabetes in  

  3. Being oveweight and having it in your family history does increase your risk of getting it. If your weight is also concentrated around the belly area, that's another big problem. Belly fat is a big health problem.

    In a nutshell, what you want to avoid is a situation where you are eating more sugar and refined carbohydrates than your body is utilizing. Your body will store the excess in different areas because it can't process all of it. So if your diet is a lot of fatty, sugary and refined carbohydrates (combined with a sedentary lifestyle i.e. couch potato) then you are really putting yourself at risk. You might consider going to a dietician to have them take a look at your diet and to see if any changes need to be made. You want to eat healthy foods - fruits, vegetables, WHOLE GRAINS instead of white flour products, fibre etc.. Fast food in abundance is not good and a lot of sugar in your diet is really bad for a lot of reasons. A nutritionist once told me that when we eat sugar, our white blood cells attack it in our bodies and then die. This may sound like a good thing but what happens is that it's lowering your white blood cell count (white blood cells are crucial to our immune system). So in addition to putting yourself at higher risk for diabetes, it will also weaken your immune system.

    There's a really good book that I would recommend. It's originally intended for men but what I like about it, is that it goes into great detail about belly fat and why it's so bad for you. It's a real eye opener. It's called: The Belly-Off Program

    Ideally, you want to nip this in the bud because once you become diabetic, it can become a slippery slope where you start on one medication and then another and then you have to take another one because there are complications with the first one etc. And you end up feeling like a walking pharmacy. Plus you start to develop other complications, if you don't keep it under control, like visioin problems, high blood pressure, kidney problems, wounds can become infected and don't heal properly and on and on. It's not good. So if you are not there yet, I would try and do a few lifestyle changes before you end up with that problem.

    I'm not trying to scare you. It's just better to never get it in the first place. And the statistics are showing that people are getting it at younger and younger ages now.

  4. Your mother needs her tongue took out of her mouth and her brains educated on how to correctly speak to a concerned child. One  your chances  like this if you do not get exercise and you  have an diet that is junk food or carbohydrates which I'm sure she raised you on and has not one idea that it consist of many things. yes it is genetics and sometimes it passes right by you and when it is both parents you are more likely than not to develop them. BUT you can keep them at bay if you watch, listen and learn about prevention of diabetes. and stay as active and not become a couch potato and eat potatoes all the time Look up the American Diabetes Association and there are other web site that can inform you and let you know what to eat and how to eat properly and exercise properly the fear of the unknown is not healthy and I'm sorry your mother is poorly educated on how to keep your  body in shape and how to teach a child not to fear the unknown she may need some eduction her self so she can cook properly for your father and he will be able to get his sugar in control

  5. you have a 30-40% chance given your family history

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