
Whats my "true name"?

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For my Intro to lit class we have to make up our "true name" then explain it. Its based on The Wizard of Earthsea by Ursula le guin.

I'm really stumped here.. any help or suggestions?




  1. "Rocannon" from Le Guin's first novel "Rocannon's World"

  2. Crumpled f******n?

    Dimpled Flapskin?

  3. Googa Mooga - No.  True names are based on what you were destined to be, or what your father was or is such as your father is a blacksmith, in Greek, you'd be Derrick, son of Farrell the Black Smith.  They are very important for some people as a name can be fate-defining such as Joe vs. Maximilian.  Just type in your  real name and find out what it means and from there you should brainstorm.  Especially by your last name.

    My name mean hunter.  And it rings true because I always find myself in search of something.  I am also very, very, restless and in some ways a nomad.  I've lived in a LOT of places (i am only 22 yrs old) and have always left when things got predictable so you may be more in tuned with your name than you think.  Check out  and look for your name.

  4. is it rumple stillskin i know this riddle now you have to give me gold cause i know your name  so best answer or gold your choice troll

  5. Numerology may be helpful - Think of an animal or deity or domething you feel an affinity for, write that down and work out the single digit value of that. There are plenty of Numerology alphabet charts around, including the one I've linked at the bottom.

    Write your own name down and work out the value.

    Then try to match the number of the alternative name with your own name. This may take a bit of trial and error. Removing or adding letters can help.

    Plus, explaining Numerology and why you chose the base word for your 'true name' gives you a lot to talk about!

    Also check out the 'What is Numerology' link on the page I gave you.

    Have fun!

  6. Um..I think that this is in a bad section, but I would suggest that you go to a baby name website and make a search by meanings. put in a word that best describes you and see what comes up. If you receive no results, use similar words until you do get some. Good Luck!  
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