
Whats my sign.?

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i was born on december 12 1993 and i wanted to know what the stars say about me... do you know




  1. Sagittarius is the more buoyant, peppy sign. It is quite curious, adventurous and enterprising. It can sometimes be a little restless, perhaps impatient. Personal freedom is quite important in this sign, and these natives do not appreciate suffocating or oppressive situations. There's often a great love of travel. Being rather confident in itself, in a difficult chart it can become quite patronizing, conceited, strongly opinionated or dogmatic.

    It is mostly a learned sign, focussed and zealous in whatever piques its curiosity. It tends to be visionary and far-sighted, able to go to great lengths and make things happen, if it really wants to. These natives can be quite bold. It tends to be a humorous sign, sometimes somewhat childish in demeanor. Sagittarians are social creatures by nature, but a more reserved focus in the chart can have some exception to this.

    There's a philosophical inclination in this sign, and often a basic positive and rather optimistic character. A sense of fair play is usually prominent here, and with serious SaturnSaturn influences it often seeks to find its vocation in judicial affairs.

    Unlike other signs, notably the earth ones, Sagittarius usually does not require a lot to feel good with himself. It can nevertheless get distressed by unusual adversity. Even if all is good, it does like to dream and push himself to something bigger. It still needs a well-focussed chart to truly push this to some bigger, successful conclusion.

    This sign is usually well disposed to culture and religion. A more rebellious influence on Mercury may change that. There is often a conflict in this sign between personal freedom and spiritual convictions. The one that will prevail usually depends on other indications in the chart. By nature, a middle ground is often sought. A spiritual Sagittarius inclination is more in line with traditional, often religious expressions. In its more extreme expressions, it can be a "party animal", especially in strongly UranusSymbol of Uranus influenced individuals, or it may be religiously pious and preaching, especially under more pervasive SaturnSaturn influences. Some may transmute between these extremes, especially under more maleable, strong NeptuneSymbol of Neptune influences.

  2. they say that you need to have more fun and enjoy the little things in life!


  3. You're a Sagittarius.

    Very optimistic, this astrological sign is allways looking on the bright side. You won't find Sagittarius singing the blues very often, as they are very good at seeing the silver lining in the clouds! Also highly patriotic, many war heros are born under the Sagittarius sun sign.

    Extremely capable of making you laugh your head off, Sagittarius has a legendary sense of humor. Richard Pryor, Woody Allen and d**k Van d**e are all Sagittarius, and they are but just a few funny folks under this sign. Always the life of the party you can count on Sagittarius to make your party a hit.

    Very honest and caring, you are safe with a Sagittarius. They will never think of doing dishonest things, and they will not tolorate it around them. A dramatic sense of honor about them adds mystery and grace to their personality.

    The Sagittarius persons are law abiding citizens and are typically very patriotic and loyal people. They tend to be generous in nature, energetic but can also become combative. They are conservative in their ideals and characteristically demonstrate self control and the ability to direct others. Their character purports them as being trustworthy, honest, very frank but also sincere. Their disposition is one of generosity and kindness and very tactful in most matters. On occasion they will demonstrate a hair-trigger temper but usually are over it quickly and typically aren’t prone to hold grudges.

    Planet: Jupiter

    Element: fire

    Day: Thursday

    Number: 9

    Color: purple

    Symbol: the centaur

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