
Whats my vertical leap?

by  |  earlier

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I just turned 14 recently. I'm 5'6 115 pounds and i can touch about 9'7. Whats my vertical?




  1. its actually 5 inches from the rim. anyways, your vert probably in the area of 25-30 inches

  2. (So you are just 3 inches away from touching the basketball rim? That is pretty good for a 14 yr old who is only 5'6" almost too good to be true! Every VB club in your area should be after you to play.)

    Standing flat footed - extend your arm above your head (normal - not stretching) and measure to your fingertip. Its best to stand next to a wall and relax and place your hand on it - then measure to that mark. Subtract that from your highest jump touch and the difference will be your vertical.

    I can touch 8' 0" flat footed so for me that would be a very poor 19" vertical jump. Lucky for me I can touch 11' 0" which is a 36" vertical. It is different for need to be blessed with long legs and most important long arms. I am 6' 4" and my arms are 32" long. Good luck in the future.

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