
Whats needed 2 give my sitter right to take my child to the dr?

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ok so i have a 1 year old and a 2 month old and i am going back to work, my sister will be watching my children, what do i need to get for her to legally be able to take my children to the dr for me? and where would i get it?




  1. just write a note saying you give permission for your child to be treated by a doctor if called for under this sitters name..thats it

  2. My mother use to take my kids to the dr for me and all I did was get a letter notorized giving her permission to seek medical attention for my children.  This wording covered emergencies as well as routine visits.  if the kids had an appointment and Mom was taking them i would usually call the nurse before the appointment let her know grandma was bringing them and tell her any concerns that had.  We never had a problem and the oldest is now 16.

  3. All you need to do is contact your kid's Dr. and ask what they will require. Some require that you write out exactly what the sitter is allowed to do, others aren't so specific.  Other doctors have their own forms that must be filled out. It's really a fairly simple procedure.

  4. Your doctor should have a form you can fill out.  It will also give her the right to make emergrncy decisions if you can't be reached, very good idea.

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