
Whats needed to enter Canada ......?

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if you don't have an I.D.? My boyfriend is from Mexico, and wants to go to Canada. Would he have to have a Passport to enter? And would he have to have an I.D to work? I'm originally from Canda from Kamloops, BC. If anyone has the correct info on this , then please let me know!




  1. Yes he needs a passport . Since 911 even Americans do

  2. I do not know about a passport.  I went to canada last summer and didn't need a passport.  Is he a u.s. Citizen?  I do know that I had to have my picture ID and my birth certificate to cross the border.  I would think he would need an ID to work also.  Why doesn't he have any id?

  3. Sounds like he is in the U,S. illegally if he has no I.D.   Mexicans actually do not need a visa to enter Canada as visitors, like they do for the u.S., But...if he wants to work, he would need I.D. and need to apply for a work visa.  He does not even have his birth certificate?  If he has that, or if his family can send it to him, he can go to the nearest Mexican consulate and get a Mexican passport.  then he would have an I.D. and he could enter Canada legally for 6 months...but not work....needs that work visa if he is going to work. See site below.  It wold really benefit him if he could get that  birth certificate and go to Canada legally.

  4. Yes, he needs a passport to come to Canada.  In order to work in Canada he must apply for a work permit, which you usually have to do from outside Canada.  However, there are exceptions to this.  For example, if you have been living common law for at least a year, and if he has a passport, he can apply for permanent residency in Canada, but you would have to sponsor him and agree to support  him, pay medical bills, etc. until he is a permanent resident, which would take at least several months.  Of course this would only work if the officials believed that you both were serious and telling the truth about everything.  He could work in Canada when he becomes a permanent resident.  He could not work in Canada during the waiting time - if he did and was caught he could seriously ruin his chances of staying in Canada.  If he wants to come to Canada, start the legal process, and that has to start with a passport.  Best of luck with your plans.

  5. a passport, that counts as an id.

  6. Go to the immigration Canada government website and I'm sure you'd find much more detailed information on all the specifics.

    But if he's a Mexican citizen then yes he definitely would need a passport to enter Canada.  And in order to work in Canada he would need to apply for a work visa which is completely different than just entering normally.  You would need to be granted that prior to arriving if the intention was to come in order to work, and it isn't just granted automatically.

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