
Whats next for people????

by  |  earlier

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what are people going to evolve into next?




  1. It has already begun

    are we the same species as we where,  say two thousand years ago.

    we are taller

    we live longer ( mostly)

    we enter puberty earlier

    Lots of little changes -  eventually there could be more than one species

    the real question is how much further  do we have to change to stop being Homo Sapiens. or have we already passed that stage

  2. I think that you'll see more specialization in society.  As more is learned about hormone regulation, genetic mapping, and so forth, I think you'll see more specialized humans.  Rather than relying on the genetic reinforcement that comes from the mating dance of H. sapiens, we will eventually make these processes safer and they will be more accepted by mainstream society.  Then you'll see super athletes, smarter brainiacs, better empaths, amazing creators, and so forth.  

    Your question is a little flawed.  One creature doesn't evolve into another as if by magic.  It normally happens when one trait that used to be unimportant suddenly makes a real difference in the ability to live and reproduce, often due to a change in its environment.  The ones with the trait survive and the species will look like them--the other members of the species will die out if the change was detrimental enough to them.    

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