
Whats on a drivers test?

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I am sixteen in Florida and am wondering what they will test me on. What do I have to know? I'm taking the test in three hours.




  1. 1. You may drive off of the paved roadway to pass another vehicle:

    Under no circumstances.

    2. You are approaching a railroad crossing with no warning devices and are unable to see 400 feet down the tracks in one direction.  The speed limit is:

    15 mph

    3. When parking your vehicle parallel to the curb on a level street:

    Your wheels must be within 18 inches of the curb.

    4. When merging onto the freeway you should be driving:

    At or near the same speed as the traffic on the freeway.

    5. When driving in fog you should use your:

    Low beams.

    6. A white painted curb means:

    Loading zone for passengers or mail only.

    7. A school bus ahead of you in your lane is stopped with red lights flashing. You should:

    Stop as long as the red lights are flashing.

    8. California's "Basic Speed Law" says:

    You should never drive faster than is safe for current conditions.

    9. You just sold your vehicle. You must notify the DMV within _____ days.


    10. To avoid last minute moves, you should be looking down the road to where your vehicle will be in about _______________.

    10 to 15 seconds.

    11. You are about to make a left turn. You must signal continuously during the last ____ feet before the turn.

    Signal for 100 feet before turning.

    12. Which of the following statements about blind spots is true?

    Large trucks have bigger blind spots than most passenger vehicles.

    13. You have been involved in a minor traffic collision with a parked vehicle and you can't find the owner. You must:

    Both of the above.

    (Leave a note on the vehicle. AND Report the Accident without delay to city police or in unincorporated areas to the CHP.)

    14. Unless otherwise posted the speed limit in a residential district is ____.

    25 mph

    15. You may legally block an intersection:

    Under no circumstances.

    16. When parking uphill on a two-way street with no curbs, your front wheels should be:

    Turned to the right (away from the street).

    17. With a Class C drivers license a person may drive:

    A 3-axle vehicle if the Gross Vehicle Weight is less than 6,000 pounds.

    18. To turn left from a multilane one-way street onto a one-way street, you should turn from:

    The lane closest to the left curb.

    19. If you are involved in a traffic collision, you are required to complete and submit a written report (SR1) to the DMV:

    If there is property damage in excess of $750 or if there are any injuries.

    20. Roadways are the most slippery:

    The first rain after a dry spell.

    21. You may not park your vehicle:

    Next to a red painted curb.

    22. You must notify the DMV within 5 days if you:

    Sell or transfer your vehicle.

    23. Two sets of solid, double, yellow lines that are two or more feet apart:

    May not be crossed for any reason.

    24. You want to make a right turn at an upcoming intersection. You should:

    Signal for 100 feet before turning.

    25. You are driving on a freeway posted for 65 MPH. The traffic is traveling at 70 MPH. You may legally drive:

    65 MPH or less.

    26. It is illegal to park your vehicle:

    In an unmarked crosswalk.

    27. The safest precaution that you can take regarding the use of cellphones and driving is:

    Pull over to the side of the road to use your cellular phone.

    28. If you have a green light, but traffic is blocking the intersection, you should:

    Stay out of the intersection until traffic clears.

    29. You are getting ready to make a right turn. You should:

    Slow down or stop, if necessary, and then make the turn.

    30. You must obey instructions from school crossing guards:

    At all times.

    Hope might help you a lot. GOODLUCK!!!!!!!!......

  2. the first thing they will ask you is where all the buttons are, (i.e hazard lights, left and right blinker, windshield wipers, fog lamps, head lights.

    Also they will ask you to perform the hand signs of left right and stop. (stop is hand down against side of car palm facing back, left is arm straight out, and right is opposite of stop, kind of like you are making the shape of an L.)

    Make sure you and DMV person has there seat belt on before you start the car, and check your mirrors.

    always use your blinker and look over your shoulder before you change lanes.

    They will make you pull alond side a curb and back up for about 30 feet.

    Also if you are making a right or left turn DO NOT stop in a cross walk, and one of the things i got maked off for is they will take you by a bike lane and tell you to change lanes, MAKE SURE you look over your shoulder to see if there is anyone in the bike lane even if you know there arent.

    Dont worry, its not hard, You are allowed to make a few mistakes, no one is perfect. GOOD LUCK :)

  3. on safety ,signs,how far to follow behind a car in different situations,when to put on your headlights before going in good luck

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