
Whats on my horse's hooves?!?

by  |  earlier

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Ok so I went to go feed my horse today and it rained a lot this morning and by the fence/gate there is about 1 inch of rain and under is a bunch of mud. So I put her food further out in the pasture and I was grooming her and I picked up her hooves and below her frog at the bottom was a white line all the way across, and its soft but there is no smell its just white and soft. Does any body know what it is?

Also it is on all 4 hooves in the same exact spot.

** And for the people who are going to tell me to put her inside, tomorrow when we go we are bringing her in.**




  1. When horses spend a lot of time in the mud, their hooves tend to get soft. Now, I have no expertise on if you need a vet or not, and I'm certainly not going to guess. Good luck, though! :)

  2. I have seen that before and I was told by my riding coach that is similar to dandruff on humans.  If it is the same thing she said it should go away on its own.  

  3. Sounds like it just from being moist.  Get some hoof protectant that will keep the moisture out.  Don't use home remedies, the hoof protectant will keep the proper balance of moisture/dryness in the hoof.  

  4. im not too sure thats quite strange! especially on all four? i would of said if it was just the one maybe its just a scuff, u know like when your picking there feet out and the hoofpick marks lines on the hoof but it cant be that.It doesnt sound like trush if theres no smell so id just keep an eyer on it and as long as it doesnt cause any discomfort then just see what happens? well i hope you find out what it is let us know if u do!goodluck!

  5. It is just her own superficial hoof tissue...nothing to worry about.  It gets soft and the surface scrapes away sometimes.

  6. ASK YOUR TRAINER. If it is something serious, you'll be happy you talked to someone more expierience than yourself. Ask a ferrier or vet or trainer. If is isn't anything serious, you'll have learned something, so it's a win-win situation.

  7. Can't remember what its called, but it sounds like water damage like when you have your hands in water for too long and your nails get soft.  If a horse stands in a muudy pasture for too long (not your case), then the frog can actually rot.

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