
Whats one enzyme that plays an important biological role in digestion? what does it do?

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and how is it activated?





  1. Salivary amylase. It is activated by the mere act of salivating when you chew food. Digestion, of course, begins in the mouth, the moment you put food into it. Amylase begins to break down starches, plant materials, etc. just by the act of coming into contact with the food as you chew it. Even if you just stick food into your mouth and swallow it whole, provided there is saliva in your mouth (and there is; we salivate in anticipation of something tasty, or just food, and in small amounts just for no reason at all; your mouth is, or should be usually wet with saliva) it will still get a coating of saliva containing this enzyme, and thus the digestion process will be started even as you swallow.

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