
Whats one thing you wish was never invented?

by Guest32177  |  earlier

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Whats one thing you wish was never invented?




  1. Mace ... makes approaching women far more risky ..... ;-)

  2. chocolate cause then i wouldn't have gotten fat

  3. Jesus and other religious mumbo jumbo..

    ...too many nutters in the world already.

  4. the computer!!

    yes it is usefull and all

    but omg there are so many bad things going on on the internet like blackmailing and stuff.... =\

  5. Female stomach aprons and cankles.

  6. well i wish death was never invented  

  7. Guns and bombs.

  8. Hair irons- they've destroyed my hair... but I just... can't... stop... using them!

  9. Public address system.

  10. The bra. They are so uncomfortable.  

  11. STDs............x

  12. Gossip rumours.

  13. Testicles on the outside!

    Some mammals seem to be able to keep them inside like Rhinos etc, so why do ours have to be on the outside in the perfect place to get banged, squashed or even booted if you annoy your lady.

  14. computer.i really like it but sometimes I think it occupies people's time too much. We should be outside more.

  15. Credit Cards. I can't begin to tell you how they'd made my life a living h**l, all because no one taught me to use them responsibly! =P

  16. Mobile phones - I don't want to hear about 'Tarquin & Veronicas soiree','Smamfa & her boyfriends STD',or what someones forgotten on their shopping list,and can they pick up some sanitary towels,while they're there!

  17. Racism.

  18. The word, 'Lisp'. Do you realize just how hard it is to not laugh at someone who has a lisp when they say it?  

  19. GUN"S!!

  20. political commercials

  21. the internet, i've wasted too much time on here. i could have done something useful with my life if it wasnt for this stupid internet :(

  22. War and guns!  

  23. Soda drink hats and big foam fingers i mean what the h**l? :P

    In honesty though i suppose the one invention that i wish was never invented would have to be combustion, would be awhole lot better still driving around in a horse buggy. Plus there be less smog in the cities.

  24. Clothing.

  25. Xbox 360

    only because I just can't afford one or two games a week like my 10 year old son would like

  26. The a**s.

  27. Cell phones.  Everyone expects to be able to locate you any time, any where.  They disrupt movies and dining out.  People talk WAY too loud on them forcing you to hear their boring, intimate conversations.  I hate most of the loud ring tones.  People run you off the road while talking and driving.  Parents talking on them in the car instead of talking to their children.  

    Bring on the TDs.  

  28. the idea of telemarketing

  29. Dorito's Miller and jaffa gonna be the size of a whale soon

  30. Everything electronic. I wish I lived in the pioneer days. Lanterns, log cabins, open fires, fresh air...

  31. I would say the computer but that would be a lie, lol I can't think of a single thing

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