
Whats one thing you wish you never would have done?

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I wish I would have never acted the way i did in high school. If i would have stopped trying to fit in I would have been a A student on the top 10% and would have gotted scholarships to college. Now Im an adult having to pay for college, a car, insurance and everything else on my own. With the scholarships I would have saved myself I lot of trouble.




  1. nawww dats sad..

    i havent realli done anything dat i regret but wen i was nine my dad passed away and i really wish dat i was told about it cas every 1 new e was dying but neva told me,

    i was onlii nine but i would have understood..

    and now i reget not being told d truth

  2. Gotten married at 19

  3. the sins..from my childhoos when i didn;t know what life was///

    the fact that i criticised my mom..telling her..what i told her...

  4. I wish I had understood more earlier in my life. Then I would have put my life to a much better use.

  5. i think we all have that one wish right there

  6. been a to nice of a guy.

  7. no life to its fullest and don't look back!

  8. Nothing.  There are definitely moments I'm not proud of and crappy things I've done, but there's no point in regret and no use in dwelling in negativity.  Live for today.

  9. I wish I hadn't been so angry at my dad. Now he is gone forever and I miss him so much.

  10. slept with a guy because i thought that would make him like me.  oh how foolish you are when you are young!!

  11. I wish i didn't meet my first partner. It has taken me years to get my self esteem back after 3 years of abuse and beatings. I thank my current husband for helping me to be stronger today.

  12. i wish i hadn't decided to take that last pill

  13. I regret loosing my baby and girlfreind. I drove her to the hospital. I was trying to catch a glimpse of the baby and be there for my girlfriend. I was with her when she was in labour holding her hand telling her to push and everything is ok.

    And I felt her hand go limp in mine.

    And i said "Come on no resting you are almost there"

    But she never woke up again"

    Everything went in slow motion as i screamed to the doctor and i froze. They asked me about saving the baby and my girfriend. But i told them to do what they thought was best. As i was not a doctor. And i could not think.

    9 months of waiting to see my baby girl and i never got to see her. The two most special people in my life gone in the blink of an eye.

    I blame my self and go through the scenario everyday thinking what i should have done. I wont go through them all but all my regrets are about that day.

    I live in the fact that my girlfreind is in heaven with our daughter. And they are the most two beatiful angels up there.

  14. If I change one thing in my past that I regret, I wouldn't be the person I am today.  I actually like "me" now.  It took years to get there, and many bad choices, but I am much stronger for it.

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