
Whats really going on with me?

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Hi everyone i'm 21 years old and i know the female body goes through a many of changes but mine seem to be a little akward. Last month my cycle was 5 days early and it only lasted a few days, i'm use to having a full 7 day cycle. This month it hasn't come n yet and its about a week and a half late. I've also experenced some mild period-like cramps but still no period, i've been bloated for over a month and have pms symptoms like mood swings, fatigue, nausea, dizziness and tension headaches. The only different thing is my nipples and areola are a lot bigger darker and more senitive than usual. My boyfriend thinks i'm pregnant, i can't be, we havent't been active since May....I made a doctors appointment on the 23rd of this month.. If anyone knows whats going on please let me know...




  1. If you have had s*x there is always a chance of pregnancy.  Unusual menstrual cycles can be an indicator of pregnancy or they can be a sign of other hormonal issues.  The easiest thing to do is go to the store and purchase an at home pregnancy test.  Since your expected period is late and you haven't had s*x since May, if you were pregnant, you would most likely get an accurate positive reading by now.  Some facts to consider about pregnancy.  First, sperm can live inside a woman for a few days, even as many as 6-7 if conditions are optimal.  So, you could technically conceive as much as a week after you last had s*x depending on when you ovulated.  Secondly, after the egg has been fertilized than it takes about 7-10 days to implant in the uterus.  When implantation has occurred, this is when the pregnancy hormone, hCG, begins production.  hCG is what a urine or blood test will detect to indicate a positive or negative pregnancy test.  Some women begin to feel pregnancy symptoms shortly after implantation while others have few symptoms and they don't show up until further into the pregnancy.  Every woman and every pregnancy is different.  When I was 38 years old, my children were 18, 15, and 12, and I had been taking birth control pills reliably for 11 years when my husband and I very unexpectedly (and unknowingly) conceived our 4th child.  I did not exhibit any pregnancy symptoms and continued to have a period (due to the hormones in the Pill).  I did not find out I was pregnant until I went to my doctor for my regularly scheduled yearly physical and she discovered it while doing my pelvic exam.  I had to have an ultrasound to determine gestation and we were all shocked, no one more than I, to find out I was already 17 weeks along and I had no idea I was pregnant despite the fact I had been pregnant 3 times before.  I was quite the skeptic to think that any woman could be pregnant and not know it until it happened to me.  I was properly humbled and have been able to tell several women not to discount pregnancy even if you don't think it possible.  If you have s*x it can result in pregnancy no matter what you do to decrease the risk.

  2. You could be pregnant.  Maybe your last "period" wasn't really a period.

  3. sorry to say but i think your pregnant :(

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