Hi everyone i'm 21 years old and i know the female body goes through a many of changes but mine seem to be a little akward. Last month my cycle was 5 days early and it only lasted a few days, i'm use to having a full 7 day cycle. This month it hasn't come n yet and its about a week and a half late. I've also experenced some mild period-like cramps but still no period, i've been bloated for over a month and have pms symptoms like mood swings, fatigue, nausea, dizziness and tension headaches. The only different thing is my nipples and areola are a lot bigger darker and more senitive than usual. My boyfriend thinks i'm pregnant, i can't be, we havent't been active since May....I made a doctors appointment on the 23rd of this month.. If anyone knows whats going on please let me know...