
Whats red and rides a big white horse.?

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The Lone Tomato




  1. That actually made me laugh!!

  2. me! duh

  3. very funny, haha

  4. I didn't know tomato could ride...

  5. lol

  6. Tomatos dont ride horses? they dont have hands,feet or eyes for that matter. but i see the humour lol

  7. Ha ha ha.!!!

    Cheers mate.!!!

  8. LOL thanks. Simple and funny.

  9. I was gonna say me :(

  10. While still waiting for the punch line, I just realised that it was indeed there!  Trouble is, I am also still waiting to laugh .....  never mind, you'll need to have your afternoon nap soon ...  

  11. hehe

  12. Groans again.

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