
Whats scarier, looking up a tall building, or looking down it?

by  |  earlier

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Which one do you think?




  1. looking down definitely . lets face it you cant fall up.

  2. Looking down it I think but I have got freaked out looking up a tall building as well.

  3. Now I think that would depend on if you were a mouse or a bird.

  4. Looking down is always scarier whether on buildings, bridges, stairs or whatever. Looking up you get a climbing sensation. Looking down you get a falling feeling.

  5. BOTH

  6. deff looking down......after all you cant fall up a building,can you?

  7. " Looking down "

  8. down!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  9. Actually both because looking down is scary but looking up you might imagine falling on your back and that gives you some butterflys in your stomach and a bit scary or sacary for some people.

  10. To me it would be the Looking down it, but you would not get me up there to look down it , in the first place cos i HATE heights.

  11. looking down

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