
Whats should i do incase i get hit by a meteor?

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Whats should i do incase i get hit by a meteor?




  1. RUN!!!

  2. Bend over and kiss your a$$ good-bye!

  3. If you actually are hit by a meteor, one of two things will happen.  One is that you'll be dead.  In this case, you don't need to do anything.  The other is that you survive the encounter.  In this case, you need to do what you can to cash in on your fifteen minutes of fame.  Rehearse talks for TV interviews, and so on.  Also, you may be able to sell the rock for tens or even hundreds of thousands of dollars.  This should at least take care of your medical bills.


    I'm so slow.  I need to learn to type faster or something.

  4. In all of recorded human history, no one has ever been killed by a meteor.

  5. Make sure you're wearing clean underwear?

  6. live the rest of your life with a tin bucket on your head,

    or stay indoors on your computer talking bollocks

  7. Speed of meteor?  Size of meteor?

    You are hit by 1 - 4 submicro-meteors every day, smaller than a grain of sand.

    Unless less it's big and/or fast, I'd say you live your life.

  8. nothing cuz you wil get polvorized

  9. Say hi to your great grandpa and the rest of your dead relatives, because you'll be with them.

  10. meteors barley make it to earth. if the meteor actually hits earth, most of the meteorites that hit earth today are small. if a large one makes it to earth and you get hit, say your prayers and hope your soul be saved

  11. Stop, drop and roll

  12. wear a helmet.

  13. If you survive, the meteor radiation might give you super powers!

  14. The standard answer here in the U.S. is to sue someone.....I'd go with NASA....they should have warned you

  15. Go and live in a cave and never come out.

  16. Obviously if the meteor is too large there is nothing you could do.  For something smaller, seek medical attention if needed.  But most importantly:

    1  Keep the meteor: those things are worth a bundle

    2. contact the press.  This could be your 15 minutes of fame, dude.  Make sure you exaggerate how badly you are hurt.  Sympathy is important here.  Get an agent.

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