
Whats so bad about swearing?

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i seriously never understood what is so bad about swearing i mean their just words whats so bad about them. i mean whats so bad about the f word or the s word. their just words, i mean if your saying to someone your a effing whatever or your a piece of s*it i understand, but whats so bad about swearing in general like for f sakes or bull s*it i mean their just ive been swearing when ive been watching the olympics and my parents are getting mad at me. thats only when im saying the f word if i say the s word or anything lower then that they dont care. theyve let it go a couple times btw like when sacramone fell off the balance beam. but ya. anyway back to my original qusteion whats so bad about swearing in general.




  1. I agree. I believe that if enough people said the word "blue" was a curse word, people would eventually start to believe it and call it a curse word. I don't know where we got the terms of which words were inapprotate and such, but thats how our society made it. Technically any word can be a bad word if we say it is.

  2. What is so bad about swearing?  Disrespect.

    A little history lesson:  One of the 10 Commandments (God gave to Moses on the mountain, to take to the people, for them to live by)

    The commandment says "You shall not take the name of the Lord God in vain"    translated it means do not use the name of God to mean something bad or disrespectful - (punishable by death / h**l)

    Some people do actually use God's name as a part of swearing, and others will find something which they consider to be a bad thing, and will use those words at inappropriate times, in a manner completely out of context for the meaning of the word.

    My observation is that swear-words are used most often by people with limited vocabulary skills, filling in the blanks with swear words.

    Those using swear words generally are prone to disrespect in other areas of their life and attitudes and how they treat others.

    I have given you 3 reasons of why your parents would be upset with your swearing.   They would prefer to have their kids viewed in a more positive and polite and respectful light.

  3. Negative connotation primarily, the bad reputation/ meaning it's always possessed. Really meaningless words that people use when they can't think of anything descriptive to use. Usually, a statement such as "F You!" isn't so appealing, and most insults are considered appropriate nor is swearing.  

  4. It's not the word in itself more the negativity the word brings. Curse words are crude ways for uneducated people to believe they sound semi-intelligent in conversation.

  5. I don't think anything is wrong with them.

    They make my life colorful and pretty!

    I don't use them all the time but went need be.

  6. Nothing. It's all down to how you've learned to take it. Some people are offended when people use swear words. I don't care how someone says something. I only care about what kind of message I sense they are trying to send. If someone says f you I don't care if it's not serious. But if they're really mad or something I might be offended. But it wouldn't be any different if they had said "I hate you" or something like that.

  7. effin' nothing

    but they loose their power when you say them too often

    little release, much less shock value

  8. its not "bad". it says allot about your culture, uprising, values and character. because it takes more mental power and intelligence to use substituting words in place of swears it is thought of as a higher level of language to abstain from swearing.

    the exception is for artistic expression.  

  9. not only is it a sin, but i guess it just sounds mean. it is disrespectful to the people around you.  

  10. The words aren't bad in themselves, but I do think you should take notice of how people around you react. If your cursing offends someone around you, then don't do it around that person. That's just respectful. For example, I was taking a Spanish class and this obnoxious girl in my class said a curse word in Spanish, and the teacher said, "Oh, that's a bad word. Don't say that." The girl said, "I don't care! It's just a word. I use it all the time." She totally missed the point that the teacher was telling her that the word offended her.

    There's one woman in my group of friends who curses a lot more than everyone else - we all throw in a word here and there for emphasis or flavor, but this one woman is always f this, f that, and I realize it has lowered my opinion of her. It just seems vulgar and low-class.

  11. I see cussing as disrespectful and rude.  I even feel uncomfortable around people that cuss. My husband still cuss's in front of our 2 and 5 year old.  I don't see it as funny when my little one says oh c_ _p.  Yes, I consider that a bad word.  Or when our older one picks up on the f word.  Imagine hearing a little child saying f u mom.  I don't think so.  Not in my house.  I wish my husband would be more respectful around the children cause he's setting the example.  If you think it makes you feel superior, you're wrong.  

  12. swearing is a sign of a low intelligence.  

  13. Swearing makes you sound like you have no class. It's a bad habit that can ruin your professional image. It also makes people more likely to focus on your words rather than your content.

    It is true that there really isn't anything bad about those words; they're just words. However, to draw an analogy, there really isn't anything bad about dressing poorly or running around in only your underwear, but such actions are just considered bad form.

  14. Nothing in my opinion...swear away....I personally feel that there are some situations and feelings where ONLY a curse word will properly explain my emotions/feelings about the incident. I don't cuss people out and I don't use deragatory curse words....such as female body parts and such, but otherwise, I cuss like a sailor when the mood hits me....

    ex: I had a bad day at work!

    I had an awful day at work!

    I had a horrible day at work!

    My day was f-ing awful! <<so much more descriptive and fully explains my day!!

  15. not really bad but it shows sign of ignorance people who can articulate their feelings well have no need to swear.

  16. I think that it's something that you need to balance. Many people don't find it's respectful, and so if you want to impress somebody, you wouldn't swear in front of them.

    However, when you're with friends or you're venting your feelings, I think a few f bombs are freeing :D

  17. F**ed if i know lol

  18. im with u! theyre just words ppl!!

  19. Nothing really but it does make  you sound uneducated  

  20. It's a sin

  21. they can be hurtful if the person doesnt get your exact tone.

    and like many other things deemed "bad" in society. nothing is truly bad or good, but is rather a perspective society altogether agrees on.

  22. Nothing as there just word enhancers. there used to bring out the emotion of what your trying to say

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