
Whats so good about australia?

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im doing an assesment on the values we have on australia?..

i need thisngs like personal values..(eg;wwhats so goo about freedom??..etc...)

can anyone help?





  1. Freedom to me is that we have compulsory voting unlike most of the world.Now that may sound like it is not a freedom.So let me explain.I was in The USA about a year ago.They don't don't have to vote.The country is full of poor people,who don't vote.They will always be poor because they don't vote.Why,because they think their vote doesn't count.If they all got together they would count.But they are not encouraged to do so.

    They also vote on a Tuesday,when most people are at work and they vote in the winter,and it is bloody cold.So don't go if the weather is cold.In Australia we all vote ,rich and poor,old or young.We are told to stand up and have a say.That is why we are free and have a good standard of living,because politicians have to listen to all,not just the rich.


    all you need for your assignment!

  3. HOT GUYS... lol sorry i had to post that

  4. Australians are proud to be different.  We love our wide open spaces, our casual lifestyles, our beaches.  We have the freedom to be educated, to be heard, to be seen.  We have opportunities to do whatever we like with our lives.  We are the lucky country.

  5. I can walk freely on my own in public.  I can wear what I like in public.  I don't need my husband to walk in front of me.  I am equal to anyone else living here.  I can work where I want.  I can go anywhere.  I am woman!  Sounds like a song doesn't it.

  6. Freedom is one of the big values we have here in Australia.

    We are free to vote for the standing candidates in Governement, we are free to actually run as a candidate without fear, we can speak our minds and not be thrown in jail for saying it.

    We have a very tolerant society and people are free to do whatever job they wish. We don't have a class system.

    We have a great climate and can live anywhere we wish in Australia.

    Our children are able to go to any school we wish to send them and as high as an education as they wish irrespective of gender.

    We don't really have poor people in Australia, certainly nothing like 3rd world countries where whole generations are beggars and live in abject poverty. Our government does pay for people to have basics like food and education.

    Compared to many countries Australia is quite affluent and certainly not a banana republic.

    Everyone in Australia has an equal opportunity to better themselves and the freedom to do it.

  7. Much better Prime Minister in Kevin Rudd since we sacked Johnny Howard

  8. Freedom gives inventors time to invent.

  9. We are not America yet.

  10. hott guys with accents.

  11. best beaches in the world !


    sorry couldnt help myself...

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