
Whats so great about having kids/or trying to???

by Guest64173  |  earlier

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im 17 and i really really dont like kids at all with a passion lol. whats so great about having kids or trying to have one. also can i get my tubes tied at 17?




  1. WOW UR IMATTURE find a new website to post **** like that!

  2. yeah I agree I'm 33 and at your age I didn't want children, I didn't like them much either. I had a friend trying for one her choice in daddy was one she came to regret, though of course she loves the child and later had more. I like children more (love my friend's), but I don't want one, except when I ovulate (tick tock).  So no its not abnormal to not want one or refrain from ever having one. Your not immature like the first post said, but I think you need to wait until a doctor will "fix" you.

  3. If you don't want kids, don't get your tubes tied... just don't have s*x.

    When you're mature enough to realise what it means to have a child, you'll regret it, even though the surgery can be reversed, you have to go through another operation.

    I'd say you can't have it done at 17 anyway, because you're not legally an adult until 18 (in Australia anyway).

    Wait til you are older, you may change your mind.

  4. I would suggest that you put this on a back burner.  I would also suggest that is perfectly okay not to want to have children.  I would also suggest that you decide to use birth control to not have children so that maybe later on in your life you may change your mind.  I wish you so much good luck.

  5. Not everyone will love children. However, being pregnant is something wonderful, because you know a little being is forming inside you and is depending on you for everything.. The most special is when you see them moving.. when you see them in ultrasounds...

    You won't know until you actually get pregnant one day. I suggest you don't tie your tubes or you will regret it later when you're more mature.

    By the way, you can't get your tubes tied at this age, you have to be over 23 or so.

  6. I've always wanted kids. I love them and started babysitting at age 12. I think that God made me to be a mother. Kids fill your life with happiness and make up your family. My question is "What's so great about life without kids?" Bringing a life into this world is a wonderful feeling. It was the best experience of my life.

    I'm not sure if you can get your tubes tied at 17. You should wait awhile to make sure you don't change your mind about wanting kids.

  7. You are still young. As you get older and mature more you might change your mind. They will not tie your tubes at 17 or 18 or 19 or 20. If you don't have kids they won't do it until you are 26. Even if you do have kids (which I have 3) they wouldn't let me do it till I am 23. And if you get it done before 26 you have to have at least 1 kid and sometimes they want you to have one kid of each s*x. This is in ohio and only information from the doctors around my city. Kids are wonderful. They bring joy and give me a purpose like its what I'm meant to do. You may change your mind.

  8. This is why Palin and Spears and all the other teen moms need to stay out of the limelight. There is NO need to glorify being pregnant or having kids.

    There is nothing good about having kids as a teen.

    You're 17. You are not supposed to have to worry about this stuff! You don't have kids if you don't want them, which means you always protect yourself. It's that easy.

  9. If you don't like kids at all, then why are you asking what the pleasure is out of having them? You are clearly not trying to be a mother so what is the relevance on your question? How is anyone on Yahoo Answers going to know if you can get your tubes tied at 17, we are not doctors. Ask a professional... (rolling eyes)

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