
Whats so hard about answering a question? Honestly?

by  |  earlier

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Ok so example: "How should I style my hair? Its long and red."

(answer): "red hair is so out"

WTF? If you wont answer it, why say anything?




  1. No red hair isn t out, it really depends on your complextion

  2. a little lost *looks out into the friggen sky*

    I think peole think that this is like my space and they are perverted and like tarded and just want to get on your nerves

  3. Some people are... you know.

  4. well maybe it is a suggestion to change the color, but i like red curl it or straighten it, red hair is always cute curly though.

  5. hmmm...that a tough one.


  6. Haha they do it to see how upset

    it makes the person and for the

    two points for answering too.

    by the way a hair color really cant be out

    if its naturally another thousand kids

    are being born with it so its fresh. lol.

  7. i don't get it...

  8. .

  9. people are cruel and very outspoken online, if you were asking the person face to face, they'd probably be more reasonable. I learn to ignore them.... don't let one opinion get to you :]  

  10. I agree with you, I was saying that when someone was asking advice for his skin problem and people just told him to put acne cream on I think everyone that has acne knows that he needs cream, why are they telling him to get rid of his acne, people should tell him how to do it lol, its just an example I think people want to answer fast to get more points faster  

  11. He shoots boom 2 pointer

  12. God, you people are so stupid.

    This question isn't about red hair.

    It is about people who just 'answer' a question to have in there 2 cents worth, even if it has nothing to do with the question they asked.

    Anyways, i think people do this because they don't want to take the time to actually answer a question and possibly help someone. I mean come on, why would any one spend so much time answering a serious question if all you got out of it was 2 points. Well, unless you like the satisfaction that you just might have helped someone. But this just isn't how most of society is... so sad.  

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