
Whats some effect that global warming has on are planet?

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Whats some effect that global warming has on are planet?




  1. It has no effect on this planet as they say things go in cycles

  2. none.

  3. Global Wrming is good for the palnet. If we could just make it back to the temperatures that we had before the last Ice Age, we would have more land to grow crops because the growing season would be longer and moved further north. More crop will help with food shortages and also help with bio-fuels.

  4. More farm areas and livable areas in the northern regions.

  5. If there was such a thing happening, the effect would be a warmer globe. Love those warmer globes.

    And by the way, THERE ARE NO POLAR BEARS IN ANTARCTICA, wow how informed are we??

  6. yep, it'll be warmer.

    But drier.

    go tell the Darfur refugees how much better off they are, now that drought has driven them from their farms, and 200,000 of them are now dead.

    i'm sure they'll be real pleased with your concern.

  7. The antarctic is increasing in mass and polar bears have been increasing in number for the last 20 years.  I can't believe people really believe Gore's movie, especially since it's been shown to be 95% fiction.

    Global warming is good for life on the planet, but unfortunately we've been getting cooler for the last 10 years, so get ready for global cooling again.

  8. Unfortunately, scientists of today, and more importantly, those proclaiming to be scientists, are not driven by the motivation to find the truth.  They are driven by greed and will manipulate facts or evidence in any manner which suits them and or their benefactors.  For instance, I wonder if satellite photos taken of the Artic since the 70's would support Link's statement that it is increasing in size. I doubt it!

    Here is some interesting reading:

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