
Whats some good homeschooling tafes?

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im looking to do homeschooling and i jst want to know if there are any tafes that do homeschooling.





  1. do u mean studying from home? try OTEN.

  2. That depends very much upon you and what it is you wish to study.

    If you're looking at doing school-type courses, are 15 or older and already have your School Certificate, there's OTEN ( ). Apparently they offer a 'limited number' of high school courses and will provide you with a results slip that you can then use to get your TER/UAI/OP/ENTER score; as far as I know, you won't actually be awarded an actual high school certificate if you go with them though. Certainly NSW Board of Studies website advises that homeschoolers are not eligible to do the HSC; am not sure if the same applies in every state and territory though (being an unschooler/natural learner myself, neither I, nor my parents, have ever really bothered to go into it).

    Other than that, there are private and govt schools that will enable you to do your HSC/SACE/NTCE/WACE/VCE/TCE/QSC/Yr 12 Certificate (whichever is local to your jurisdiction) via home-study; legally that is classed as distance education rather than home-education* though as you'd be considered to be a student of whichever distance-education school you chose to go with. However you'd still be studying at home.

    (Here, in Australia, home-education (or homeschooling) means your parents take on the responsibility for planning, organising, implementing, evaluating and assessing your education outside of any school system. Registering with TAFE/OTEN'd make you a distance educated kid (and not a home-educated kid) as the people at TAFE (rather than your parents) would then be the ones responsible for delivering your education.)

    Without knowing which state/territory you're in, I can't really give you any more information. If you're interested in details, let me know whereabouts you are and I'll post you the contact details of some (local to you) distance-ed providers.

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