
Whats some way to be like....popular?

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im starting 7th grade this monday and im like tryin to be like popular this year i dunno like so guys will like me or whateva. btw, this is a new school so im making a fresh start sorta. i just basicaly wanna know how to get..popular? like to get guys and all that. thanxx.




  1. i started 7th grade this year too and i am reeely popular ... but i dont hav a b.f. dont worry bout that guys are a waste of time

  2. You want to be Popular!! That's crazy...But here's how...

    1. Always be yourself in personality and the way you represent yourself well. Dress nicely express your style always keep hair and makeup on point! Always have a smile on ur face no one wants to be around someone with an bad attitude!

    2. Every now and then swicth up ur style make some changes like putting some color in ur hair or cutting it. Never look the same every year.

    3. Communicate with People around u. Even the dorky people. Popular means many people consider u  as a friend or someone they admire. So talk to everyone it doesn't have to be long just keep it simple. Always start a conversation. Maybe crack a few jokes. Develop relationships with people. Make friends.

    4. Be outgoing in and out of school. Be invovled in sports, music, talent show's, go bowling, skating, or just do something that will keep u known. But make sure it's something u like don't fake it. People don't like fake people.

    5. Study hard and keep those grades up!!

    6. Admit your Flaws laugh at yourself. Hey no one is perfect!

    7. Be nice.

    8. Have self respect.

    9. Don't dump old friends and become a total b****. Just watch Mean Girls you will see the consequences in that movie.

    10. Always be yourself!!!!

  3. like maybe you like could stop like saying like! no one is gonna like you if you sound idiotic.

  4. be nice. because then you'll be friends with EVERYONE and everyone will lovee you, so basically you'll be popular. wearing nice clothes and acting like a abitch will get you nowhere. unless ur rich and like pay ppl to be your friend

  5. belive me. those 'popular' girls you see in the movies don't exist.

    but if you want to be well-liked, just start talking to people and be really friendly.

    not everybody is going to love you. if someone is mean to you, don't be mean back. just move on and have fun. middle school is really fun. ;]

    but yes, just make friends with anyone you can, even if they look like someone you wouldnt usually be great friends with.

  6. hahahaha hahahahahaha, your a joke

  7. talk to everyone. and dress cute. and wear your hair cute wear makeup. and like flirt with guys.

  8. forget about having a boyfriend right away it will just stress you out and make it harder for you to do well and make friends on your own, later in the year is good. flirt with them at first, find out who is good enough for you and then concentrate on them. also, you should concentrate on school work for the first part. just becase you want to be popular doesnt give you an excuse to act dumb. just be friendly and outgoing and you will be popular in no time.

  9. Whats the point.

    Cuz when your in college none of that will matter.

    Live life..and find REAL friends..and dont become a w***e.

  10. Be nice to everyone, give compliments, dress cute, look decent with nice hair and but dont wear too much makeup your young

  11. Dress cool, be flirty, be nice & crack jokes.

  12. thats stupid.

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