
Whats something odd about you?

by  |  earlier

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I only wear socks from old navy and I must have all the drawers in my house shut completely or i open and shut them again so i can hear them close.




  1. i am always barefooted

  2. i don't think that there's anything "Odd" about me,but i guess my fiance will say!

    Edit) well only the fact that i must have a clean home, and i like the bed to be completely made at all times, thats only if u find that to be!

  3. I fall in love with most that I date!  Could be lust?

  4. Hmmm...where to start....I have to have music playing loudly when I go to the bathroom, so people can't hear me. And public restrooms, where I can't do that, I always wait until everyone else leaves the bathroom. Oh, and I let my dog l**k me inside my mouth. Hey, their mouths are cleaner than ours, so they are the unlucky ones! lol

  5. ummm..... i wear socks around the house ALWAYS. Its cause we have hardwood floors and no matter how often we clean them they are still dirty. I hate it when i get stuff on my feet so i just wear sock. lol. i think thats odd ......  

  6. i HATE snapping. like snapping fingers.. i hate it. its like nails on a chalkboard to me. haha:) i love this question.

  7. I hate dirty things!!!

  8. i get scared during a thriller or scary movie but after the movie is done i'm completely calm and ready for another.

    i always have to look at someone's left hand to see if their married or not. even if i'll never talk to them.

    for over a year i got the beginning of the smashing pumpkins song bullet with butterfly wings it goes "the world is a vampire"

    when i wake up i have to stretch my leg up to the back of my back and i always wake up talking to myself and falling back to sleep.. i never remember what i say just that i say something.

    i'm obsessed with the clouds . i almost got in a bad wreck from starring at them. God made them and there's this one verse where it says that clouds are the dust at Gods feet.. thats cool!!!! God is amazing!!!!! :)

  9. the tip of my finger got cut off when i was a baby  

  10. My sister

  11. I hate the sound of anything brushing/scraping against denim, the sound of chewing makes me want to stab people with a spoon, I talk to myself, but I talk with my hands, so I'm sure I always look extra crazy, and I'm obsessed with eyebrows. I also can't have anything remotely pointy facing in my direction if it's anywhere near eye level. For example, if a drink has a straw sticking out, I always have to turn the glass so the straw faces away until I take a drink.


  13. I don't like feeling/hearing pulses.  Even my own.

  14. I'm very structured. I have to do the same things the same way everyday. Once in a great while i can break away and get stuck in another pattern. My kids say i have O.C.D.

  15. I can't sleep without my pitt bull in the bed with me, my husband can stay gone for months and i would sleep just fine, but if this one of my 4 dogs doesn't sleep with me or gets up in the night, i am wide awake.

    He had lung problems as a pup and i'm a lot over protective of Fred Fredburger. (yes he is named after the annoying character off Grim adventures of Billy and Mandy)

  16. I like the smell of my dogs paws.

    I can't sleep without socks on.


  17. i don`t know if you call it odd or not i just call it clean but i always wash my hands after i pet a dog even if the dog is a dog that is clean.

  18. Essentially everything.

  19. i cant sleep with my closet door open or keyboard pushed out

  20. i have OCD's. when i go use the bathroom i have to fix every thing in the bathroom that is mest up before i use the toilet.

  21. For me its the fact that I am a guy, but I love wearing skirts and some of my capes at home, especially when its cold.

  22. When i go to sleep i have to close my bathroom and closet doors.

    I think i like to close them because my imagination is going to go crazy with my dreams. Like they are a source of my dreams. lol

  23. Everything about me is odd, really.  

  24. I always have to clean off the top of soda cans before opening, and I always have to dent them before drinking. So I know it is mine.

  25. I sleep on the left side of the bed

    I walk on the left side of the street

    I eat with my left hand (i'm right-handed)


  26. If i use a persons bath room i always look behind the shower curtain.

  27. I hate open doors or when things arn't alined right.

  28. I was born in the wrong century and I really don't fit in right now lol x*x

  29. OMGOSH me too w/ the drawers. they need to be shut.i HAVE to crack my thumb fingers as often as i can.

    i flip the pillow to feel the cold side

    & if im downstairs & shut the lights off (dark), i run really fast up the stairs cuz i get scared lol

  30. Everything is odd about me. I like all labels to face forward and when I go out to a restaurant, I always have to wipe the rim of my glass before drinking.  

  31. I can't eat off of silverwear.

    I buy paper plates, and plastic ware

    I feel like no matter how much you wash it there will still be spots.

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